

"Did you miss me, my babies?"

All of the men from Fuuma stared dumbfounded at their Young Master. They had watched him get picked up by the harpy and were worried sick about him when he suddenly started transforming.

Kazehaya Gin still had the same face, but something was still totally different. He looked more beautiful – like a celestial being that descended from the heavens. His hair was longer and the color was golden now too. Also, his voice, although the teasing quality was there was also different. Even when he's far away they could hear his voice as if he was speaking directly into their heads.

And he called the harpies babies!

"Fuji… is that really the Young Master?"Shiro asked as they continued to stare at the man in question.

"Of course. You saw him change before your own eyes," Fuji answered.

"But he called the harpies his babies?"Shiro added, sounding worried, and the steward also frowned.