
You Never Learn

Kazehaya Gin and Homura Ryuu remained by the veranda for a while as the former waited until the latter had spent his tears and was able to gather himself again. When he thought that the Koutaishidenka finally seemed to stop, Gin reached for his pocket to see if his handkerchief survived. When he saw that it was still there, he handed it to Ryuu who didn't hesitate to take it.

"What's this?" the Koutaishidenka asked as he eyed the tattered rag – a sorry excuse for a handkerchief.

"Well…"Gin smiled sheepishly. "Er… I had a bit of a rough time earlier."

Ryuu stared at the handkerchief for a while but decided not to care and used the handkerchief. He blew his nose in it before asking questions he already guessed the answer before. Still, he wanted some confirmation.

"I take it you recovered your memories while you fought with Ara?"

There was no need for Ryuu to ask who the Black God Kazehaya Gin fought in Tokyo was. He already knew that it was his wife.