
A Letter to Perun

In the room where the Koutaishidenka stayed, Kazehaya Gin sat by the low table formally with him sitting on his folded legs. In his hand was a pen and scented stationery was on the table, waiting for him to write on.

It's been thirty minutes since Ara left with Aki and Chiaki. His niece would be taking time away from her husband to she could sort out her thoughts. As her uncle, he had already decided that regardless of what she chose, he would still respect her decision and support her – even if there's a possibility he would go against his best friend as a result. However, he prayed whatever grievances she has, she would still choose to be with Kresnik in the end.

Nonetheless, while Ara's still undecided, there's a very important task that Gin still needed to do. With his memories now intact, it's his job to find his brother and inform him of everything that happened, was happening, would happen, and what still needed to be done.