
Fire & Wind Seals

"It's you, Ara. The greatest enemy will be yourself…"


"What… What do you mean?" If she was unsure earlier, this statement made Ara lapse into total confusion.

The Black God was not her nemesis. It was herself. What did that mean?

"My little one," Alistair began, reaching out to hold her hand again as if to give her strength by doing this. "Have you forgotten how you become the harbinger of catastrophe?"

The question threw Ara off – and then she remembered and nodded.

Czernobog could control the piece of his soul attached to Ara's and use her to wreak havoc. Yes, she was weak – at least a lot weaker than all the deities and demigods she knew. But all those deities and demigods were attached to her and couldn't bear to kill her.

And if she was killed like what happened in the past, they would all be thoroughly devasted, and the tragic cycle would continue…