
Something Brewing

"Homura Ryuu is Ara's husband…"

There was a pin drop silence that followed that statement. Maki Eito looked at Suzuki Daizo as if he'd gone mad.

"What are you talking about?" he demanded. He refused to believe that he had heard correctly.

"I'm saying that my niece is now the Lady of the Homura House," Daizo repeated, with the last part coming out weakly as he slumped on the sofa, seemingly exhausted.

Until now, he couldn't forget the fear he had felt when Homura Ryuu had approached him at the IBEC. He couldn't forget how those threatening cold blue gaze bored into his, letting him know how formidable of an enemy the man would be if he dared do something to Aki.

"I was even planning on getting rid of Aki's woman. But the Koutaishidenka seemed to know what I was thinking, and had warned me not to do anything." Daizo leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his thighs as he buried his face in his hands.