
Familiar But Unexpected

Maki Yuuka sighed heavily before lifting the delicate china teacup from the table and placing it against her mouth. Normally, she would take time to inhale and appreciate the aroma of her coffee before drinking it, identifying whether it was earthy, spicy, floral, or nutty before taking a sip. She would then savor the taste, discerning the acidity, bitterness, sweetness, saltiness, and sourness of the drink.

Yes, she was somewhat of a connoisseur when it came to coffee, and it's her hobby to drop by different coffee shops to taste their fare. But the aficionado in her was absent at the moment. Her mind was still preoccupied with the conversation she heard in her father's study. She played their words over and over again in her head but still couldn't find anything that's totally alarming. But the way they had the conversation made it seem to her that it wasn't all there was to it – that there was some kind of hidden meaning, but she couldn't tell what it was.