
Between Her Father & Brother

"So, child, what is it that you wish to discuss with me?" Perun asked softly as soon as they were out of hearing distance from the house.

He and Suzuki Aki had stepped out to the yard and were now crossing the Zen garden towards the gazebo. Perun walked ahead while the other followed after him respectfully like a loyal subject. Aki's aura was so formal that the King was reminded of the stiff Fredek.


Aki's voice trailed off but Perun waived his words off as he signaled for him to go to the gazebo first so they could sit down. As soon as they did, Aki became all the more rigid, making Perun smile.

"Aki, you don't have to be so rigid and formal with me. After all, in this world, you are Ali's brother, and I am merely a brother-in-law," Perun stated with an amused twitch of his lips.