
Behind the Scenes

"This… is this real?"

Yuuka's voice came out as a weak squeak. Even if the question was redundant, the others were very patient and understanding. After all, things like zombies and monsters were mostly fiction for mortals. Suddenly being handed this type of news was too much to absorb in a short period of time.

"Yes, this is real."

Yuuka inhaled sharply once more. The only chance anyone could take and tell her this was all a great joke was gone. It was real. There was no longer any reason for her not to believe. After all, who was she and who were these people?  

They were the Homura House. She was nothing but an unknown rich miss, and yet, these people took time to cater to her when it wasn't needed.

That's right. If it were other people, who cared if she and her family were at the brink of death due to this unknown infection? If they died, although their company would be affected, it wouldn't be as big as the people in this room.