
Hidden From Public

"What are you two discussing?" Ryuu suddenly asked Gin, his blue gaze boring into his pair of nervous golden ones and he quickly shook his head as he straightened on his seat.

"Just gossiping," Gin answered with a grin, and Perun raised a brow at their direction.

"He's talking about your charms, Ritz," Ivan suddenly answered, making Gin turn to him with a glare as he pointed at him.

You traitor!

"Kids should be quiet and behave," Gin scolded Ivan. Even if he told the other to stop addressing him as his great ancestor, he still used his seniority over him at times like that one.

"The older one should behave so that the younger ones will follow, no?" Ryuu suddenly countered rendering Gin speechless as he pouted.

"Are you even my bestie? Why are you siding with him?"

"He's my gr – cousin," Ivan interjected, stopping himself in time to call the Koutaishidenka grandfather.

"You're not loved," Aki laughed at Gin.