

"You have to stay away, darling. You might get infected too," Suzuki Akihiko told his wife as he tried to fend her off with a hand.

It's his third day in bed due to the flu. He was someone who didn't really get sick so easily but when he did, it would be bad as it was the case at the moment. Because of this, he sent both his children to his father's house so they wouldn't catch the illness.

Aki and Ara were both still young – ten and three years. He didn't want his children to be sick.

"What you are talking about? Silly," Kaoru answered fondly as she wiped her husband's sweaty forehead. "Have you forgotten about my ability?"

Akihiko stopped, remembering that one tidbit. He looked thoughtful for a bit as he scrutinized his smiling wife's face and then gave up. "Alright…"

Suzuki Kaoru was the former princess in Homura House, after all. She was not directly related to the first family, but her existence was a special one. Why?