


Kazehaya Gin soared in the sky towards the Maki Household. It's been two minutes since he released the energy to warn his twin when he felt uneasy in his system. Frowning, he turned around and almost had a heart attack.


A dark buildup of clouds with disseminated flashes of lightning loomed behind him. But the scariest figure was not the storm clouds but rather the man riding it. The silver-haired, white-robed deity with his stormy amethyst eyes was a sight to behold. 

"Brother, why do you look like an avenging god?" he squeaked towards Perun who came near him in no time.

"I am an avenging god," Perun countered breezily as he frowned. "What happened?"

He suppressed his aura so much so he could have the closest existence to a normal human. Because of this, the scope of his hearing and awareness decreased considerably. It's only limited to a few meters from him instead of a whole area.