
Let Go

"Maki Yuuka, the blank soul, is your mother."


Alinea was quiet for a while. She just stared at Gin, taking time to absorb his words. When she did, she turned to her husband, then to Ivan, then to Emi, and Chiaki. None of them looked surprised, and she nodded. It seemed everybody already knew.

"I… I see…" she said with a nervous smile.

Well, she knew there was a possibility of that since Yuuka was a blank soul. But of course, it's still normal for her to be a little bit surprised. But a big part of her already expected this somehow. Her father somewhat already gave them all a clue anyway.

"You're not shocked?" Gin prompted, and Ali shook her head.

"My father's impulsive behavior was already dead giveaway. I was somehow expecting this," she said honestly, then frowned upon remembering something. "But what do you mean her memories will be erased?" she demanded. But when no one answered, she asked again. "Why?"