

"A long, long, long time ago – a time when there was nothing, a being that was the most powerful created everything that existed. Water, wind, fire, earth, deities, and mortals – everything was his creation. The Supreme Being, Rod, was the true power in all subsistence.  He created life; he created death. He designed heaven; he designed the mortal plane and hell. He fashioned good and evil, as well as the rules of the way of life.

He crafted the cycle as he saw fit and chose his most beloved child to govern them all in his place – the King of Heaven.

Nonetheless, beloved as he might be, no matter how much he reigned supreme above the other creations, the King was the greatest servant of all. He was bound by the rules of Rod – more than any other creations. He could not be like the other deities who were willful. He was compelled to be the dutiful superior – the greatest example to all existence…"