

"Hi?" Maki Yuuka awkwardly greeted back before turning her eyes away from Alinea and Perun, whom she knew as Kazehaya Sora, now her fiancé.

Father and daughter exchanged looks with the young lady obviously amused. She leaned forward to whisper in her father's ear. "I think mama misunderstood," she said.

Perun nodded. "I'll let you down first," he whispered back.

This little exchange of words was, of course, audible to the deities and demigods in the Cedar Palace. Kazehaya Gin was vibrating like a mobile phone as he clamped his hand with his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud. He couldn't, else the lady next to him would be offended.

Maki Yuuka honestly looked heartbroken – a good sign that everyone thought so.

Still, it's not good to let the woman continue to misunderstand.

"Your father and daughter tandem makes me jealous," Gin commented as he pushed Yuuka so she'd go and sit with the others.