
In Danger

As soon as Aurel stepped into the second seal, the battle had already started. The hundred and fifty thousand soldiers were divided into a hundred and fifty groups. Each group consisted of a thousand soldiers led by a captain each. 

As planned, as soon as they came inside, the thousand soldiers at the front sans Ivan and Fredek engaged the dark elementals who loitered near the entrance. The second thousand then would pass and go to the next area of responsibility and engage the enemies there. This pattern repeated until all hundred and fifty groups were engaged. When the first team ended their fight, they would then go immediately to the front and engage once more in battle. 

"Ali, do not fight," Ivan reminded Alinea who looked at the soldiers fighting with the enemies. 

As expected, all the elementals within the second seal were a lot stronger than the ones outside. The weakest would be around level B and the strongest was Czernobog which was a level S.