


The earthen ceiling exploded as Ivan's elementals bored their way out onto the surface. The Kres Emperor didn't need to be concerned with the soldiers and the others as he trusted Fredek and the made gods to be able to bring everyone back to safety. Also, he was able to feel Stribog's energy earlier before the energy of the legion vanished. It meant that they were able to leave. 

"Ali, hang in there. We will be out soon," he told the young woman who sat quietly in front of him. 

After the Black God's inner lair completely collapsed, Czernobog sent them a message with his voice echoing in their minds. She had long since been silent with a defeated look on her face. 

"Your task is over now, child. Live freely…"

Perun's seal continued to wreak havoc, causing the place to collapse completely. If they were not as powerful as they were right now, they'd have long been buried underneath.