
No Regrets

"Am I right, Goddess of Fate— or should I say grandmother, Goddess of Avarice and Fortune?"

With her words, Dolya and Gin exchanged looks of surprise. No one— not even the other deities knew that the Goddess of Fate was the same entity as the Goddess of Fortune and Avarice except for the brothers and Kresnik.  

Well, Fanya knew about it too. 

Still, even if Gin knew about it, he had thought that after Czernobog was expelled from the Celestial Plane, Perun had sealed her other part. But it seemed since Rod had a hand in the conspiracy, the king's power didn't work on her. He now understood the reason why his father asked him to have Dolya descend and to roam the mortal plane. 

It was all so she could set up their fates without attracting attention.