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"Dhahliah and Cilan…" 

A frown marred Alinea's brow. "Those are…"

In the two continents in Ged, there were only two that occupied one huge piece of land, Dhahliah and Cilan while the others occupied the other one. 

Dhahliah was the second of the only two empires in Ged, while Cilan was the Ice Kingdom that was sealed off away from other kingdoms in this world. It was a very closed off kingdom and didn't even participate in diplomatic activities. It was why it was tagged as a hermit country. 

How in the world did Dhahliah start a war with Cilan? 

Fredek cleared his throat taking everyone's attention before speaking. "Even before you returned here, there has already trouble brewing between those countries. Dhahliah accused Cilan of stealing their treasured item."

"What item?"Alinea felt a sense of déjà vu.