Her eyes widened for an instant before she regained her calm. This man was capricious and indifferent to things and seemed to see the whole world as a joke for his amusement. Why was he so different from his supposed character? Even if he was reborn, there could not be such differences unless he had split personality disorder , but that did not seem to be the case. Suddenly a notion flashed across her mind. If he was what she thought he was, then this whole thing became hundred times more complicated! This was when she desperately needed the system! Tsk, what a hassle.

"What does it matter to you whether I'm Xu Qingyu or Ranyan. Isn't it all the same? Our deal does not change. I do not want to know about you, neither do you need to know about me. We have a transaction that does not depend on my identity." She coldly refuted, she did not intend to lie or make any excuses at the moment. Those were useless against such a dangerous and intelligent man.

All of a sudden he stepped out of the shadows casted by the branches of the oak and jumped onto the wall. His pure white robes reflecting the light of the moon, his long black hair blending into the darkness, his handsome almost beautiful face, casting an otherworldly seduction, like a lover on a romantic night.

She indifferently glanced at his attractions, her heart still as a deep well, no ripples caused by this excellent specimen of his specimen standing before her. That same eerie grin could be seen on his face, as though there was something to laugh at all times, how irritating! It reminded her of unpleasant things from her past. She wanted to wipe it off his face! She calmed herself and watched as he came ever closer to her. She glanced around as they were really standing on a conspicuous spot despite it being a wall overlooking a small cul-de-sac. She quickly avoided him and jumped down onto the street and retreated into a darker area and waited for him to follow. He did not disappoint, and as he stood before her, he watched her with curiosity in his gaze which indeed disgruntled her.

" I didn't break my word, you know. I didn't send any of my guards after you as you requested. I came by myself which you did not include in your conditions." He grinned like a mischievous little boy who had gotten away after committing a crime. She felt like giving a tight slap on his stupid laughing face! She suddenly realized her emotions were always close to the edge these days. Prison seemed to have blunted her edge, she mused in discontent.

" Also, it really does not matter if you're Qingyu or Ranyan, but it does matter if you've actually swapped bodies, and a second life? I only heard this much. Your senses are too sharp and so I could not come too close. Not that it matters if you found out but then you would not have talked more, which would have been a pity. What do you mean by a second life, I want to know. I'm highly interested in that topic. If you will not talk, I will just kidnap that crying banshee inside and torture her till she tells me." He continued spewing arrogant words every moment he opened his mouth. Now he was blackmailing her!

"Tch! How ungentlemanly! Do you have no shame blackmailing your wife, at least in name, so openly!" she retorted with anger tinting her emotionless voice.

"I never said I was a gentleman. If you thought so, then its not my fault that you're stupid enough to think so. And shame? Can you eat it? Such a useless emotion. I'll do whatever it takes to get whatever I want. I'm a selfish bastard and you are the one who chose to cooperate with me so its better to get used to such things. Don't dawdle, explain."

"Well, it will not affect you in anyway so i will tell what i can so that you do not pester me regarding this again. Few days ago we were still who you used to see. My sister and I are always at loggerheads; seeing that her mother killed mine and married that stupid father just days after mother's death. Her mother taught her to be proud, rude and inhumane just like herself; she taught her to hurt me and humiliate me. They did not want to kill me just yet because of the dowry my mother left in my name. They wanted to obtain it so they waited till I came of age and could marry you. My sister has liked you for a long time as you well know and so decided to swap the brides with all my dowry going to her. I overheard them planning to sell me to a slave market which is legal in Tianshan Empire. They were to sell me there, once Ranyan managed to convince you she was the better choice.

I planned to escape once I found out and snuck out last night but Ranyan and her maid found me; tried to chase me on their own, albeit a stupid decision. We ended up in that mass grave outside the walls where a small accident happened, and I became unconscious and supposedly so did she. We seemed to have dreamt of another life, with different outcomes of ours and many other people. I cannot speak of this because once I do, these things will change, and I can no longer control future outcomes. This is how I know you will meet a formidable enemy, but it is contingent on you becoming emperor. I cannot reveal more than this or your actions will be subconsciously affected. When me and my half sister woke up, we found out we were in each other's bodies and it was the next day! I couldn't even run back as I was already in the wedding sedan. Thus, I decided to make a transaction with you. This might be outlandish, but the truth is right before your eyes. Even if you ask Ranyan she will say the same. In fact, I woke earlier than her whereas she just awoke from this dream. I came here to see what happened to my original body and whether I could take it back."