Ouyang Ping II


On a large platform that was made to be able to fit over twenty people at once, two young men of about eighteen years of age could be seen letting their fists talk.

Within a single breath of time, both men were able to cover a total distance of dozens of meters at once. Not only that, but the might of their fists that were going blow for blow also caused miniature shockwaves around them.

As they fought, it was hard to tell apart the two men since they were moving at such a great speed. Only the teachers around them, who possessed much greater strength than the two, could see what was happening.

The two young men fought a peerless battle like no other. They were both famous figures within their school. One is famous for his strength and background, while the other was famous for his studious attitude. Of course, this changed when the latter had defeated the second strongest student within the entire campus.

Now, it was a battle between the two strongest men within the school. Their names, Ouyang Ping and Yang Jian. Neither of them went easy on the other. Both of them were exchanging blow for blow.

The physical strength of both entities had far surpassed that of those at the same level as themselves. The power that both of them held in their fists were audible to the entire audience. With a single punch or block, a loud 'bang' could be heard, resounding from their bodies.

So far, the battle had been ongoing for dozens of minutes. Neither side had suffered any real damage since each blow was either dodged or blocked by the other.

After a while, both men backed off at the same time.

"Hahahaha, Yang Jian, you're great. I don't know what genes you possess, but for you to be equal to myself who has a Gene Score of 1.3; while also owning a strength type gene, you are truly a talent like no other." Ouyang Ping smiled.

Even though his training suit was torn, his smile radiated with a handsome aura, attracting the attention of both men and women that were watching from afar. The entire time, the audience was watching in silence, it was unknown whether it was because they were shocked due to the strength being displayed, or because of something else.

Either way, a deadly silence resounded.

On the other side, Yang Jian smiled as well, "Thank you, but I think this little game has been going on for too long. How about we get serious and end this farce?"

"As you'd like. Be careful, this is the first time I've used this gene on another student!" Ouyang Ping agreed.

Rumble! Rumble!

Immediately, the ground started shaking. Ouyang Ping's eyes became demonic, as a storm of blue lightning seemed to be shooting out from his eyes. His body floated in the air, while thunder was being created out of nowhere around him.

"A powerful lightning type gene? It's fortunate that I had decided to awaken my own genes, the damage I take should be reduced by a small margin. With my regeneration gene, I don't think I'll die right?" Yang Jian thought when he saw his opponent's power.

Around him, Yang Jian could tell that the students were noisy even with the sound of thunder resounding. Soon enough, the entire platform was almost filled up entirely of lightning. Ouyang Ping was floating a few meters in the air, appearing like a god of thunder who had descended upon the mortal realm to punish a great evil.

In response, Yang Jian knew what he had to do. His left fist started glowing purple, as tiny lightning sparks were emitting from his hand. On his right fist, small flames were being made at the same time.

That's right, Yang Jian was using his lightning and fire genes together for the first time since awakening them.

Soon, a large amount of purple thunder surrounded his left arm, while blazing crimson flames enveloped around his entire right arm. Yang Jian's body started floating in the air as well due to the forces of both elements from his body.

The ground shook around him at the same time. While this all happened, Ouyang Ping didn't move and simply waited for him to display his full strength. He was truly a respectable opponent.

After a few moments, two figures could both be seen taking flight, dozens of meters away from each other. Around them, the sound of thunder could be heard echoing throughout. They both appeared as though great gods who were about to begin a battle that would destroy heaven and earth.

Rumble! Rumble!

Crash! Bang!

The thunder around their bodies sparked wildly without any control, destroying their surroundings. In the blink of an eye, two colorful figures moved at the same time.

"Yang Jian!!!!!!!"

"Ouyang Ping!!!!!!!"

Nothing, but the voices of two mighty figures and the sound of thunder could be heard that day. The two mighty figures who had barely began their Interstellar Cultivation would create a legend that would be remembered for thousands of years after their deaths.

An unforgettable memory would be forever embedded in the minds of those watching this day.

Boom! Boom!

One, surrounded in blue punched forward. The other, punched forward as both fists collided, creating a large explosion as though a nuclear bomb had been launched.

Boom! Boom!

Nothing else but white could be seen. The two unparalleled gods were lost under the effects of their own attacks. From this day onward, two of humanity's strongest figures would emerge.


"Father, I'm alright." a young man spoke while lying down on a hospital bed, covered in bandages around his body.

"Alright? You're lying on a hospital bed with wounds everywhere, like a mummy!" Yang Tianyou reprimanded his son.

"Hahaha, can't argue with that. But I'm an Interstellar Cultivator, my wounds will heal in no time. Just give it another week and I'll be good as new." the young man who was obviously Yang Jian replied.

"It's only because of that, am I not reprimanding you further, take care of yourself so your mother doesn't worry too much. I'm sure you know that it's unfilial for children to pass before their parents." Yang Tianyou continued.

Yang Jian nodded, "Father, you should head home now. I'll see you next week when I get discharged."

"En, I'll go now." his father agreed as he stood up and left the room. Once the door closed, Yang Jian sat on his hospital bed and closed his eyes. Even while lying down due to his injuries, he could still cultivate and earn Gene Points during the week he had been in hospital.

With another 7 points, he now decided to finally cross over to a Level 1 Gene Scholar. Over the thousands of years of interstellar activity, humanity gave names for each stage of Intersteller cultivation.

With Level 0 being the lowest, up until level 9. The names were Gene Apprentice, Gene Scholar, Gene Soldier, Gene Elite, Gene Master, Gene Grandmaster, Gene Noble, Gene Saint, Gene Emperor, and Gene Immortal.

Once a cultivator has reached a Gene Score of 1.0, they have officially stepped upon the door of a Gene Scholar. Since this was the case, a score of 2.0 would be a Gene Soldier and so on.

Not only did Interstellar cultivators exist, spiritual cultivators like in ancient novels and tv dramas also existed. Of course, this was already known since Yang Jian himself was one, and also was his opponent in the virtual space. It was now time to explain it in detail.

Cultivators of the same stage would generally be stronger than Interstellar cultivators of the same stage. To make up for this, Mechs were created in order for both sides to become equal.

Cultivators also had nine levels, starting from the bottom, Body Tempering, Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Ying Yang Transformation, Human Immortal, Earthly Immortal, and Heavenly Immortal.

Since they were much stronger than Interstellar cultivators of the same stage, the techniques to be able to cultivate Qi were extremely rare. Only the old families with thousands of years of history or the incredibly wealthy families could afford such manuals. But even with money, it was still a great task to get ones hands on a manual.

Of course, since the beginning, there were those who had attempted to cultivate in both paths. Naturally, they had failed in doing so since the two paths conflicted with one another. In the end, it did not matter.

Both paths still lead to one end, Immortality!

As for Yang Jian who practiced both pathways, it was something he had just tried. On the day he first practiced his breathing technique, he realized that he was able to practice as both an Immortal cultivator, and as an Interstellar cultivator at the same time!

Normally, the two paths would conflict with one another, causing his body to explode due to the conflicting pathways. Hence, he practiced in both ways, however, his immortal cultivation was much slower than his Interstellar cultivation, since the mysterious book didn't provide any help.

"Eh, now that I think about it, Ouyang Ping could've cultivated since his family was rich. I wonder why he didn't choose to do so? But then again, his genes and talents were much greater than a lot of others his age." Yang Jian suddenly thought.

"Anyways, it's time to officially graduate from being a Gene Apprentice and become a Gene Scholar."


Name: Yang Jian

Gene Score: 0.8

Eye Gene: 8

Warrior Gene: 8

Regeneration Gene: 3

Gene Points: 37


[Eye Gene + 1]

[Eye Gene + 1]

[Magic Eye Gene Unlocked]

[Warrior Gene + 1]

[Warrior Gene + 1]

[Mighty Warrior Gene Unlocked]

[Regeneration Gene + 1]

[Regeneration Gene + 1]


Name: Yang Jian

Gene Score: 1.0

Magic Eye Gene: 10

Mighty Warrior Gene: 10

Regeneration Gene: 5

Gene Points: 23


"Great, with my current strength, I should be able to do well and get into the Federal University at the end of the year. Of course, I still need to prepare for the exam, it won't be easy." Yang Jian thought, after feeling satisfied with his current power.

With his regeneration gene improved, he would obviously recover from his injuries faster. In the first place, his injuries weren't that severe. With his powerful body, he only needed to be bandaged for a week or two, if it were someone else; they would've either died or stayed in the hospital for a couple of months.

For the entire week until his discharge from the hospital, Yang Jian quietly cultivated on his hospital bed. Once he was discharged, he would immediately be able to return to school.

Upon arriving at school one day, Yang Jian realized that he was now famous. It was no surprise, after all, he had fought against Ouyang Ping to a standstill, with both sides suffering injuries that required them to be hospitalized.

Everyone gave him strange looks that he couldn't quite comprehend. Ignoring this, he went to class as per usual. When he opened the classroom door, everyone in his class became quiet.

One of his classmates even stood aside for him to walk by to get to his seat. It was similar to when a eunuch would pave the way for the emperor if one were to make a comparison to his current situation.

Sitting in his seat, he closed his eyes and gave off a look that said, 'Do not disturb'


In the blink of an eye, over a month had gone by. Kong Bo who he had sent to the hospital recovered from his injuries and no longer tried to mess with him. However, Yang Jian still noticed a thorny look inside the former's eyes.

Since Kong Bo had recovered, it was obvious that Ouyang Ping had also recovered from his injuries. Yang Jian heard that the former was granted special permission to take the Federal University exam earlier than everyone else could.

He also knew that Ouyang Ping had passed the exam and had officially enrolled in the Federal University.

Freeing himself from any distractions, Yang Jian continued cultivating until the very day of that exam. He had passed the written exam flawlessly without a single mistake, while his fitness scores had exceeded many that had taken it in the past.

Of course, with his newly improved Gene Score, it was no wonder that he could create a new record. However, none of this was made public and kept within the records of the Federation.

That day, Yang Jian arrived in a newly bought training suit. It was an expensive one that costs millions of Federation coins. Where did he get the money from? Of course, it was from the school, Yang Jian had received a scholarship from the high school after returning to school.

The scholarship consisted of a sum of Federation coins, as well as the training suit he is wearing. Now, his family could afford better food and made an improvement in their living standards. His younger sister Yang Chan could now eat nutritious foods that would help increase her Gene Score.

His training suit that was worth millions of Federation coins was the newest model created by the Federation themself. Not only did a single size fit all sizes, but it also provided a small boost in defense as well as heat and cold resistance.

When used together with certain kinds of genes, there would be a small boost in the output of said genes as well. Not only that, but the design was also quite good, making Yang Jian look pretty handsome.

Today, the headmaster of the school himself, brought Yang Jian to take the exam. When they arrived, there were quite a lot of people taking the exam with him. Just by having a quick glance, he could see that there were roughly a hundred people from all around the Federation.

The planet Earth, where Yang Jian lived on. Because of the many planets in the galaxy, there was a system of ranks that categorized each planet. Earth was amongst the lowest of the thousands of planets in the galaxy, is a Rank 0 planet.

Planets were ranked from 0 to 9, which obviously made a rank 9 planet the highest. There, many geniuses of the human race, as well as other races lived. In the vast universe, there were many races aside from the human race.

From alien species such as insects to strange creatures that one could only find in any fiction of the ancient era. There also included the Void beasts that he had fought in the virtual space.

Today, there were roughly a hundred others taking the exam today. It was unknown how many of them were from higher-ranked planets than his own. On the bright side, Yang Jian was informed that only those up until Rank 4 planets would take part in this exam.

He was filled with excitement as he thought about the geniuses of the human race that he would become friends with or those that could be called his opponent.