Energy Gem I

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of thundering footsteps was heard. Along with the sound of footsteps, was a harsh burst of wind as each step was taken.

On the ground, deep footprints were left behind. A young man who was extremely fit, but neither thin nor large in frame was sprinting as he followed along some tracks.

The young man who was obviously Yang Jian, was going after the little black dog. Running along, he finally caught up to it after five hours of continuous sprinting without rest.

There, he noticed multiple figures that were slightly bigger than himself, speaking in an unknown language. The figures each were about two meters tall, with large scissor-like blades coming from their shoulders and knees.

Their bodies were dark gray from head to toe and seemingly naked. Around their bodies, was a tough armor that appeared like an insect's exoskeleton.

The figures were of the Blade Demon race. Their distinguishing features were obviously the blades protruding from their shoulders.

The Blade Demon race was one of the many powerful races in the universe. In fact, they were amongst the top 100 races.

A Blade Demon was born with great strength and sturdy defenses, being many times stronger than those of a human's. Their outer shell are harder than wrought steel, a type of extremely sturdy steel used in weapon making.

Since he had spotted the Blade demons, Yang Jian hid to see what they were up to. "For Blade demons to be on this planet, it seems like it wasn't so simple after all. Did the Federal college plan this? For students to come and eliminate Blade demons, or to disturb their plans?" he thought.

The little black dog had long hidden itself away. With its intelligence, it could easily tell that the Blade demons were planning something here on this planet.

"Kreeyo! Daerro!" one of them opened its mouth to speak.

"Kreeya!" another demon replied.

The Blade demons were limited in numbers. There were only five of them, and judging by their aura, their gene scores didn't exceed 1.5. Even then, a Blade demon with a gene score of 1.2, was already comparable to a human with a score of 1.4. If a human genius fought against a blade demon genius, they could only hope to have superior genes if they hoped to close the gap.

The Blade demons gathered together at a singular spot. Standing with nothing but trees and plants around them. One of the demons looked around briefly, making Yang Jian quickly hide, before peering back once the scan was over.

The Blade demons continued speaking, before their hands transformed into sharp blades that extended over thirty centimetres long, and started digging the ground beneath their feet.

"Since they are digging, there must be something underground. Unfortunately, my third eye's ability is limited in distance and cannot see too far. I'll have to dig a hole myself to find whatever it is they are looking for, or jump into their hole and ambush them." Yang Jian thought.

Hiding himself, Yang Jian waited for an entire hour without moving. After an hour, he finally made his move and slowly jumped into the hole, dug by the five Blade demons.

As he fell in, he noticed many other holes inside, which meant the Blade demons must have went separately. He continued falling straight down, while the little black dog went into one of the other holes.

Yang Jian opened his third eye and scanned the area to his maximum capacity. His third eye managed to see into the distance of over ten kilometers in every possible direction.

He noticed long corridors that were dug which ended up as either dead ends, or connected to another pathway. As he looked around, he followed the best route towards the Blade demons.

On his way down, he noticed some ores that were somewhat valuable, which he could sell or use to make items. He continued to skip over them, since they weren't important currently.

After looking around for thirty minutes, he saw signs of the Blade demons. When he got down, he jumped and hid behind a large piece of ore, and observed from there.

"Even after digging for over an hour, we still haven't found it."

"Are you sure the information is accurate? To think something precious could be found on a level one two planet astonishes me."

"It must be, the higher ups paid a heavy price for the information. We must bring it back no matter what, else our lives will be forfeit."

"Enough talk, continue digging, the Energy gem won't be found by talking."

After a short conversation, the Blade demons stopped talking and continued digging as fast as they could.

"??? I can suddenly understand their words? It must be the power of the mysterious book, what can't it do?" Yang Jian thought.

"But they did mention an Energy gem, those things are extremely rare, does one really exist on this planet?"

An Energy gem, as the name implies, is a gem made up purely out of energy. The energy contained an unlimited capacity of spatial energy, which allowed one to use it on a spacecraft with unlimited energy.

From what he had heard, there were less than thirty such gems in the galaxy. This showed how rare and valuable they were. In fact, even five of them may not exist in some galaxies.

The reason for why they are so valuable, was that they only formed after a million years. With unlimited energy, humans and various races alike wouldn't need to fuel their spacecraft, saving both a large amount of money and resources.

Only powerhouses were able to get their hands on such valuable gems. If word was spread, only the powerful were able to keep it on themselves.

While the gem was currently useless for Yang Jian, he thought about the future in which he had his own spacecraft, and also the amount of federation credits he could earn if he turned it in.

Of course, he chose the former, since it was a much better decision. With the mysterious book, he could store it in there safely without anyone recognizing it.

"Since I have some workers here, I might as well let them do the work and swoop in when the job is done." he thought.

After two hours of further digging, the Blade demons finally found something.


"It's here!"

"Dig around it!"

The five Blade demons dug around the same area. Since Energy gems were quite large, it required a little bit of work to dig one out.

Once the Blade demons dug out a bit, a small corner of the Energy gem could be seen. It was glowing violently and brightly, encompassing the surrounding area.

Yang Jian noticed this as his eyes lit with a burning flame. The little black dog had long joined him, it had followed the other Blade demons and enabled them to regroup as it hid near Yang Jian, waiting for the opportunity.

As the Blade demons dug, Yang Jian frowned as he saw a huge creature heading their way. The creature was over fifty meters in length and dug at an incredible speed. Within just another minute or two, it would arrive at their location.

Yang Jian and the little black dog moved to hide somewhere else. The surroundings started trembling as though an earthquake was taking place. Even though it was deep underground, the shaking continued on a high level.

The Blade demons stopped digging as they sensed a strong presence heading their way. The five of them spread out and their blades were sharpened to its highest.

Soon enough, a huge fifty meter long earthworm with thousands of teeth that were over thirty centimetres long appeared. One could easily see inside its mouth, since that was almost all that you could see besides its huge body.

The inside of its mouth was like a huge continuous shredder that spun at an incredible speed. If one were to fall into its mouth, they were as good as gone.

The Blade demons leaped into the air and flew towards the huge worm like five shooting stars. A demon enlarged its blades and cut deep into the worm's flesh.

While the battle was going on between the worm and the five Blade demons. The little black dog stayed hidden, while Yang Jian took this chance to start digging up the Energy gem.

Hiding himself, he quickly went over and dug using his spear. "They'll notice me for sure, I'm asking for trouble here. What kind of main character doesn't do something stupid and catch the attention of all his enemies? Just trying to keep the troupe going here." he muttered as he began to dig loudly intentionally.

In the middle of the fight, the Blade demons noticed Yang Jian digging out the Energy gem. The worm also noticed him at the same time. All six were injured from their fight that lasted over ten minutes.

Within those ten minutes, Yang Jian had slowly and intentionally dug so that they would notice him.

"What's a human doing down here? Since we didn't notice him the entire time, he must be a human genius with stealth abilities!"

"Get him!"

The Blade demons stopped fighting and all charged at him. Yang Jian turned and pointed his spear forward and smiled.

The little black dog transformed and jumped into the air, aiming its fangs at the giant earthworm. The five demons ignored this and went straight for Yang Jian.

Standing in his spot, Yang Jian didn't move and waited for them to get close. His spear was held tightly, while purple lightning and crimson flames erupted around his spear. From his feet, a chilling cold energy slowly froze the ground beneath his feet.

The purple lightning and crimson flames slowly merged into one, becoming thunderfire. This was the second time Yang Jian would be using the combined might of his two elemental powers.

With his spear forward, the Blade demons appeared in front of him within seconds.

Ding! Bang!

Yang Jian's spear moved out rapidly in succession. His spear targeted the weakest of the Blade demons, sending it flying, as he quickly spun his spear to block the incoming blades at the same time. His leg lashed out like a whip into the body of a demon.


One of the Blade demons was hit by his leg. Due to its sturdy defenses, it wasn't sent flying, however, it suffered some heavy damage from just a single kick.

As he blocked the large blades, a demon used its other arm to slash him.


Yang Jian used his overwhelming physical strength to overpower the three Blade demons and knocked one backward, making him deflect the blade of his companion.

As for the last one, Yang Jian's body became a phantom and disappeared for a brief moment. When he resurfaced, he was already behind a Blade demon, as he punched its arms that had reacted to block him.


Yang Jian's punch sent it flying a dozen meters as the outer shell of its arms cracked. He then rotated his spear and jabbed multiple times in another direction, as his spear directly penetrated the body of two Blade demons at once.


"Cursed human genius, following us like a dog when you have such strength!"

With two Blade demons remaining, Yang Jian stomped the ground hard, and leaped forward, leaving behind a small crater on the ground in the spot he had just been on.


His spear stabbed into the blade of one of the demons. He quickly rotated his spear in a circular motion and misdirected the blade away, as he jabbed into the demon's chest.

Pulling out his spear, he turned to throw his spear at another demon.


His spear took flight as though it had wings and penetrated the head of a Blade demon. Yang Jian turned to face the last surviving Blade demon as his eyes turned demonic and sinister.

"Damn! Damn! Damnit all! To think we would be unlucky enough to meet a human genius on a low level planet like this. Our luck really ran out this time!" it shouted in fury.

Its arms had been shattered by Yang Jian, as its back was against a wall. Yang Jian slowly walked over to it and ended its life in a single instance.

"It's too bad I can't let you go. If word gets out, the powerhouses of every race will come for me. With my current strength, I wouldn't be able to keep it on me." Yang Jian muttered as he shook off the blood on his hand.

As he finished his battle with the Blade demons, Yang Jian grabbed his spear to join the battle against the huge earthworm. The little black dog had dealt it some damage, but it was extremely large and much more powerful than the five Blade demons.