The plane flew against the morning sky. The red and pink hues mixed together to create the most gorgeous scenery they had ever laid their eyes on.
"WOAH! I SAY SUGA GOES FIRST" yelled out Jungkook as he held onto the railing not ready to jump of the plane.
"Mi-chyeo- sseo!!!! (are you crazy)" yelled out Suga as he began to back towards the back of the plane "I wanted to stay in the hotel room, there's a new show that came on Netflix; I'm not jumping"
"Come On Suga; you couldn't stay in your room , at least not today" replied Jin
"Yeah!!! NO NOT TODAY; NOT NOT TODAY" yelled out Jhope as he began to breakout his dance moves only to end it by hitting the woah.
"Okay fine; but only after jhope goes and asking as he promises never to hit the woah again" Suga finally agreed.
"Really!!! Well then never again today and; HERE! I! GO!" And just like that Jhope was out the plane and soaring young wild and free.
"ALLL OR NOTHING!!!" Suga jumped out right after him and instantly regretted that he has agreed to it since he saw Jhope hit the woah in the air below him.
"LAST ONE OUT IS A ROTTEN POTATO!!!!" Jimin followed
"JIMIN WAIT FOR MEEEEEE" and out flew V.
"Jungkook I think you should be next; haven't you gotten plenty flying practice from performing euphoria" RM said
"You know what; YOURE RIGHTTTTT! WOHOOOOOOOOO" yelled out jungkook and jumped out
"DON'T WORRY KOOKIE MOM IS COMINGGGGGGGGG!" Jin yelled out as he jumped.
RM took one look out the plane. This was it. This was the team he had been leading. This was the team that had come from nothing and became something. So much hard work. All the time and effort. This was the dream. This was the team that was built by the army's
He smiled. And as he jumped out the window one thought cane to his mind.
This was BTS. And the crowd went wild!
Kim Namjoon. Kim Seok-Jin. Min Yoon-gi. Jung Ho-seok. Park Ji-min. Kim Tae-hyung. Jeon Jungkook.