
Chapter 3- Psycho

Abandon House, Southern Part of Russia, Year 20XX

A very tall and handsome man gets out of the black car parked in the abandoned house. He looks sharply at the gate and commands his people to send the onlooker away. He doesn't want any prying eyes on his property.

He walked straight to the single entrance door, and a platoon of guards greeted him. Looking around, he is pretty satisfied with the number of guards securing the area. The guards are equipt entirely with combat uniforms similar to the military. On their waistband holstered a gun.

Seeing the man strides towards them, the guards' leader greeted him.

"Welcome back, General". The leader saluted and waited for the man's reply.

"How is she?" The man asked directly, not giving time for pleasantries. He came here not to have a vacation but to see his woman, and he had no time for this paid guard.

"She is in her confinement room. She was in a session with us two nights ago and was severely injured". The leader hesitantly answered. He doesn't know if this man will approve of their method of torture.

The man furrowed his brows after hearing the leader's report. "Did you ruin her face? I don't like it, scarred". He snapped.

The leader, who is now sweating, replied, "No, General, like what you instructed, we only touched her body. She is very skilled, so we have to be very careful when dealing with her".

"I see. Bring me to her."

"yes, general."

Two men walked toward the basement while the others stayed to guard the upper floor.

It had been so long since the man saw Vera. He can't wait to see her again after six months. He wonders how she looks right now. A sinister smile forms on the man's lips while his eyes are full of anticipation.

Vera was sleeping when she heard footsteps approaching. Based on the sound of the steps, the people coming are not the usual guards in charge of her, which means that the man has arrived to revisit her.

At first, she didn't know him. He took a liking to her after a chance encounter at the hospital, stalked her, and finally abducted her. Until now, she doesn't know his purpose for locking her up in this basement. All she knows is that this man is sick, and he wants to keep her as a prisoner.

When he enters her room, he keeps his distance from her. After his first attempt to touch her and she almost killed him, he never dared to do it again. He knows very well how dangerous she is.

The door opened as Vera positioned herself on the bed.

Vera: "Good Day, psycho, or should I say night? Pardon me; I seem to forget many things lately."

Vera greeted the man since she didn't know his identity yet. For now, she decided that psycho well fitted him.

Psycho: "I can see all your torture hasn't affected you, my sweet. You are still sassy as always."

Vera: "If you think your designed torture will affect me, then you are weak." She taunted. She realizes that the more she looks down on him, the more he shows his weakness. So, she keeps on aggravating him as much as any chance she gets.

Psycho: "hmm. Are you teasing me now? Is that your way of telling me that you are above me?" The man spat with disdain. For the seven years that he has had her in this house, she always made him angry every time he came here to see her. She is the only woman that can make him feel. Because of that, he wants to make her his wife.

At first, he was curious about her, and then his curiosity became an obsession. He wants to have all of her; to do so, he needs to make her bow down and defeat her last resolve to survive in this place.

However, he underestimated her well to live. She is so strong, maybe the strongest woman he knows, enticing him with her strength and courage. He promised himself that he would have her, no matter what. Of course, he is also aware that it will take time.

While the man loses focus, Vera sharpens her gaze and keenly observes the psychotic man that abducted her.

In her mind, she blamed herself for being caught by this sick bastard; A true embarrassment for her calibre to think that this weak man could keep him here for so long. Although he is handsome, he is not her type. The man is European looking. Tall, masculine, with a deep set of grey eyes. Based on his accent, she suspects that he is Russian. He seems rich since he can afford to have a platoon of bodyguards. In terms of his personality, he is very obsessive.

She needs him to escape this hellhole of a place. Now is her only chance to leave this rotten cage of a room. Otherwise, she might need to wait for other months to execute her plan, and she can't have that. Her body is weakening, and she is afraid she will die here.