Her voice (1)

Chapter 6 – Her Voice (1)

Country X, Year 20XX

In Xu Holdings, everyone is busy as per usual atmosphere cause by their CEO.

Yang Jun is organizing the president's schedule for the next day when he heard a weird noise. It sounded like a ringtone, but he can't figure out where it is coming from.

He stood up to investigate what is happening and notices that it is coming from the president's desk. Does he have a phone hidden in the drawer?

As he knows, the president hates using a mobile phone. All messages for him passes through Yang Jun. So where is this sound coming from?

Worried but still curious, he tried to pull the drawer and was surprised that it was left unlocked. Inside is an ancient model of mobile phone. And from the looks of it, the president has charged the phone recently. He picked it up and gave the practice answer when the president is busy.

"Hello, you have reached Xu Long Wei's phone. Unfortunately, he is not available to receive your call please try calling again later".

"Hello, may I speak with Long Wei, please. It is important". A woman's voice replied to him.

"I am sorry ma'am, but Mr Xu is busy right now. If you want, you can try calling him again later".

"I need to speak with him. Could you tell him that Vera is calling"? The woman persistently urges.

"I will call again later, maybe around 3 pm. Thank you". The woman hung up the phone and didn't wait for Yang Jun to reply.

He returns the phone in the drawer and contemplates if he should inform his boss regarding the call. After deciding that it would be best to inform the man, he proceeded to go to the meeting room. Anyway, he needs to pass some documents to the president.

Inside the boardroom, the atmosphere is not very warm. The presenter is also sweating bucket. The presentation started smooth, but after a few minutes, the presidents face started to change. It is evident to the people inside that today's meeting is already failed. They pray that someone could break this cold situation.

Luckily, their prayer is answered with a sudden knock on the door. A few seconds later, secretary Yang enters the room and walk straight to the president. The people inside sighed with relief.

"President, here are the documents that you have requested". Secretary Yang passed the folder to Long Wei and waited for his next instruction.

"Hmmn" is Long Wei's only reply.

Seeing that he has no more instruction, Yang Jun turns his back but suddenly remember the call from the woman.

"President, today you got a call from a woman". Yang Jun said carefully. Since he picks up the call from the phone that was kept in the president's drawer, he needs to choose his words wisely.

"I don't care". The cold man replies

"Actually, it was a call from the phone in your drawer" …

Xu Long Wei face froze. He looks at him intently and asks "Which woman?"

Feeling the changes in his boss's gaze, Yang Jun wants to blame himself for being in this situation. However, he is already in this, so he better continue.

"She said her name is Vera and she needs to talk with you. It's important."


Everyone was startled when their president abruptly stood up and left the meeting room. The people inside were so shocked, since their boss has never acted this way before. They are curious who this woman that could make the man leave an important meeting.