Reunion (1)

Chapter 8- Reunion (1)

City B, Russia, Year 20XX

In a small alley in City B at the back of an Italian deli, a woman is hovering on the side next to the dumpster. The customers from the deli have seen her there for two weeks now, and they have made many complaints, but the owner seems not to care.

Because of her presence in the area, the people are concerned about their safety. With the sudden increase of new people in the small town, they are suspecting that she is up for no good. The residents are worried that the mafia in their area will start making ruckus again and kidnap their young daughters. Everyone is aware that in this part of Russia that human trafficking is rampant and the mafia owns most of the places here.

So, instead of helping the poor looking woman, they wanted to chase her away from her shelter to avoid unnecessary attention from the mafia.

The woman in the alley is Vera. She has stayed in this place for almost two weeks after her escape from her prison. She was shocked to realize that she was locked up for seven years. It felt long when she was inside, but her mind can't believe the truth. She settled in this area after passing many states and town. Confident that she is out of danger, she approaches the only deli and asks permission to use the alley as her temporary shelter. After making the owner trusts her, she has requested if she can use his phone to call. Out of pity, the owner was kind enough to lend her the phone. But Vera is a prideful person, so she made a deal to return the favor.

Every night, after the deli, close down. She helps the employees pack up and clean the place. It is a hard job considering her body state, but she never gave up. The owner offered her a place to stay, but she rejected since he has already helped her enough. In the end, she only accepted the hard-flat wood for her to sleep on and a tent with some comforters. Worried that she might accidentally involve the kind family, she prevented any unnecessary contact with them.

People might think that she is a beggar, but she is far from it. Prideful enough, she never asks for other's food. Instead, she works in the deli, and they provided her with her daily needs. She uses their shower and some oversize clothes from the owner's wife.

At first, the owner looks at her suspiciously when he sees her body condition for the first time. Shock and disbelief are written on his face, then sadness. Until now, she doesn't understand why the man has that emotion towards her. She doesn't want to pry about their issue. She could only guess that something happened with this family.

She looks at her body that is covered with scars. Only her face is left untouched. She suddenly thought about her fiancée. As far as she can remember, he was very handsome and extraordinarily tall. Most citizens in Country A are tall, but he was even taller than them. He was a reserved person and preferred to be alone. When she met him for the first time, she was very attracted to his movements. The guys have excellent martial art skills. She was also trained at a young age, so she quickly spotted his skills. He has a powerful aura that people always avoid his gaze. If she didn't know him, she would also feel the same. They dated for a long time, and she felt pity in his life situation. That is why she wanted to bring him to her folds. She was too late though, things happened, and she ended up like this. She wonders if he is still the guy that she fell in love with. Will he feel disgusted after seeing her body? She hopes that he is still the same man as before.

Vera thought many things after her escape. One is to reunite with her family and find the real mastermind for her imprisonment. She doesn't believe that it was psycho's idea to kidnap her. Deep in her mind, she knows that someone is behind it. She has to start from scratch again. Rebuild herself and strike back when they less expect it.