Lu Jia (1)

Chapter 20- Lu Jia (1)

Vera woke up happy and contented on the next day. She thought about Xu Long Wei and already missed the guy. Last night, she notices that he wanted to ask her question but decided not to. She knows very well what he wanted to know, but glad that he didn't ask her.

She is not ready to talk about her captivity for now. She doesn't want to ruin their mood by telling him how she suffered for the past years. Based on her experiences, it is better to find the best timing to say to him her story. He is known to be uncontrolled once triggered. She is worried that he will do drastic things because of it.

For now, she wants to focus on completing their family and for her full recovery. She will find revenge on those who orchestrated her disappearance. She is not a forgiving person, after all. However, she believes that there is another time for it.

She looks at the phone that he left for him last night. The design is unique, and she has never seen this kind of phone before.

"Interesting", She muttered to herself. If she has her laboratory here, she has already opened the phone to study. She notices that for seven years; more advances in technology has been developed. She is excited to see what this new era has to offer.

When she was younger, she loves to design and invent new things. Later she studied engineering and finish her major at a young age. She was the most budding engineer that finish as the top student in the most prestigious school of engineering. Her name is well-known around the world but since she is connected to an underground organization, she didn't want to expose her real identity.

She used to design a military weapon for various countries and her work is always considered one of the best. Of course, the design and patent of her work are under her pseudonym. Only, a handful of people are aware of her other identity. She made sure that only she has the rights to distribute her weapon. When she made transaction one of the stipulations before signing the contract is for her to be present. She must be involved in the production and the transfer of the product. Also, only military personnel can use her weapons. It should not be distributed to a private individual.

Although her design can't be easily copied, she made sure that all countries signed a contract agreement that, in case she found out any model similar to the one she created is approve in their country, she has the right to cease all the weapon that was distributed and there will be no more future cooperation between them. All countries agreed to her condition. Because of that, only her and her alone can have the right to sale her design.

It sounds drastic to others when she decided to do her business in this way, as a designer and inventor, making sure that what she makes couldn't be used for illegal activity is paramount. She knows very well how dangerous they could be when put in the wrong hands.

Just a few years after her business was founded, she became one of wealthiest female in the world. After her father passed away, she also took over the underground circle and was feared among other groups. It was a shame that she could enjoy her wealth longer that she wanted.

She needs to have access to her bank accounts secretly. She doesn't know if someone is monitoring it. Since she doesn't know who her enemy is. She needs to be very careful with her movements. For now, she will use her other identity as Lu Jia.

It's been a while to use the name, and it gives a nostalgic feeling. She can't help but remember her mother. Aside from his father, only Xu Long Wei knows about her real name. Her father made sure to keep it hidden to protect her. Even though it hurt her pride to accept it, but her father is right. Good thing she listens to the old geezer.

Looking at the phone in her hand, Vera decided to dial the only number in her contact. A few rings later, Xu long Wei, answered the phone.