Searching for the truth

Chapter 22- Searching for the truth

Medical Room, Jia Garden, Year 20XX

"Mistress I was informed by Master that you need me?" Butler Yang inquire.

"Ah, Yes. I am wondering if you could give me Xu Li's complete profile?"

"I want to know what are his likes and dislikes. Also, list any medical information there are about him. I want to know my son more before I meet him. I need a laptop, so if you can do this for me, it would be great."

"I will do this as soon as I can. Is there anything else you need?"

"Just all those thing for now. I will let you know if I need more. Thank you"

"I see, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Have a good rest mistress" Butler Yang bowed and left the room.

Two hours later, Vera got her laptop. She had difficulty using it but managed to grasp its mechanism. first thing she did is to search about her company name, which is Henderson Weaponry Co. and what she discovers anger her. After her disappearance, her company should automatically shut down since it was on her will. It stated that in cases she has an untimely death her company will cease and all hear properties, money and stocks will be handed over to her son and only heir. She had instantly revise her last will after she found out that she was pregnant. However, what she learned is that the company is still operating and her son seems to be left out from receiving his inheritance. What is going on here?

She became more suspicious as she read more articles about her company. Apparently, her younger brother continued her business after her disappearance. What bothers her the most is the fact that Country A's leader should find it suspicious when she disappears, and her company is still manufacturing her weapons. There is definitely an anomaly with her bother. If he became the CEO in her business, it would be reasonable to speculate that he was involved in her capture, and he had benefited from it. She needs to find out to figure out the real mastermind of her captivity. If she learns that he is part of all this, she vows to eliminate the stubborn leech in her life.

Vera hit the table due to her anger. Since young, she never liked the boy. She had the inkling feeling he would do something that would jeopardise their organisation as soon as his father put him under his wing. However, her father pitied him and showered him his affection. They never get along with each other, since he always showed his contempt towards her when her father was not around. She felt that he was always eyeing her position as a legitimate child.

After she took over the underground operation, she didn't really pay attention to him. He made sure that he is kept away from their underground business, so she sent him to another branch of her company.

Vera closes her laptop roughly and tried to control her breathing. Her sides are hurting because of her large intake of air. She needs to calm down to plan her next action.

She decided to divert her attention for a while and search for universities around Country X instead. She is planning to enrol in a course to learn more about today's technology. She will use her other identity as Lu Jia since Vera Henderson is famous in the Engineering world.

Vera spent most of her time searching that afternoon.

On the other side of the mansion, a certain boy exclaimed after completing his creation. He finally finished the attachment of all his robot's parts!

The blueprint was complicated to understand, but he was patient to follow the pattern. At first, he wanted to give up, however, every time he glanced at the unfinished robot, he couldn't help himself but to pick I up and start again.

Now, all his hard work is finally over. He made it!

He jumps and rolls over his bed multiple times. Only this time he showed a real temperament of six years old.

Xu Li can't wait to show to his father the robot. He Stood up and excitedly pick it and walk to the study room. His father always stays there when he is at home. Nowadays, he noticed that he comes home early but never see him first. He wanted to ask him where he goes, but stop himself.

"Dad might get upset if I ask him." He mumbles to himself. He decided to forget the matter and continue moving to the direction of the study room.