Don't trust the elder sister

Chapter 25- Don't trust the elder sister

City B, Country X

In the mountainous part of City B, a black car pulled over in a massive estate. A few seconds later, Xu Li came down from the vehicle and was greeted by several servants. He greeted back and asked for his grandmother's location


He entered the main hall and pause. He looks around to find his grandmother is having a conversation with an older sister; he runs towards her and gives her a big hug. His grandma loves it when he hugs her like this. So, he keeps doing it for her.

"Look who's here? My favorite great-grandson!" The older woman exclaims. It's obvious to everyone that could witness this situation to conclude that Madam Xu fancies the boy.

"Where is your father? Did you come here alone?" She worriedly asks the boy. She is anxious every time the boy travel alone with only his bodyguards. With so many kidnappings attempt the boy experience, it should be understandable if Xu Long Wei prevent the child from travelling. However, it seems that her grandson doesn't mind at all. The old woman sigh while thinking about Xu Long Wei.

The man is already 35 years old, yet he is still single. People also reported to her that he hates woman and doesn't want to be close to them. She is more worried as time passes by. She would love to help him in case he is too busy to find a suitable wife; however, her efforts are all fruitless. Many times, she has introduced her friend's daughters hoping an educated and beautiful woman could move the man. But she was disappointed that he would not even let her utter a few words and he already cut her recommendations.

Until now, she is hoping that his first grandson could find his happiness while he is still alive. She would love for little Xu Li to experience maternal love. The boy is good-natured, but sometimes she could see that he is lonely. She suspected the young child often stays in the house. He doesn't play with anyone aside from the servants and bodyguards.

Looking at the woman in front of her, the older woman suddenly has an idea.

"Little Bun" using the nickname she gave the boy to get his attention. She introduces Huang Xiao Yan to him.

Xu Li greeted the woman respectfully and returned to his grandmother's side. He doesn't like how the woman looks at him. In the past, his father trained him to detect the hidden intention of others using their facial expression and right now, he doesn't approve of this woman. He knows that she has some hidden agenda.

Meanwhile, Huang Xiao Yan shows her practice smile to the young boy. She didn't like kids, but since the boy is Xu Long Wei son, she will put up on it. Her goal is to marry the man, after all. If getting this boy's favor could land her the title of mistress in Xu family, she wouldn't mind playing a mommy role.

The older woman watching the two's interaction is elated. It seems that Huang Xiao Yan is found of her great-grandson. It would be good if she becomes the next matriarch in Xu Family.

The woman has a background comparable to Xu's before they become the number one family in Country A. She is also educated and is a famous model. She will be perfect for her grandson.

To test the water, she asks "Do you have a boyfriend Xiao Yan?"

Huang Xiao Yan pretended to be surprised by elder Xu's question. "Unfortunately, I am currently single, grandmother". She didn't forget to call the elder woman grandmother to show her familiarity.

Madam Xu is delighted upon hearing her. "My grandson is also single. You see Xu Li's father here is already 35 years old, but he is still unmarried. Do you think my grandson will have a chance?" She wanted to know.

"If he is a great guy and will treat me will, there will always be a chance grandmother. Although, I might need to meet him first" Huang Xiao Yan responded carefully.

However, in a scrutinizing eye of a boy who is quietly noting her every movement, her performance is easy to read.

She acted embarrass and shy, but deep down, she is celebrating. Based on what the elderly woman is suggesting, she wants her to meet Xu Long Wei. She could be her only chance to be closer to the guy.

She still remembered how he treated her on a private function before. She tried to get his attention but failed when he ignores him. Being born in a prominent family, she is used to being pampered, but the man disregards her on their first meeting. She promised then that Xu Long Wei would be hers. This time, it seems that her plans will advance quicker since the matriarch herself is arranging their meet-up.

She should do her best to please the older woman get the boy's approval. She can already see her victory.