Sleepy log wake up!

Chapter 28- Sleepy log wake up

It was already two in the morning when Xu long Wei returned and lay down next to her. Too drowsy to care, she rolled her body to give enough space for his sizable proportion. Later, she felt him gently pulled her delicate waist close to him. Liking the warmth oozing from him, she borrowed herself deeper to his embrace and continue to dream.

On the next day, heavy breathing awakened Vera from her slumber. She attempted to move, but her body is caught on something. Checking the other side of the bed, Xu Long Wei is deeply sleeping while his long arms hug her stomach. She wriggles her body to dislodge from his tight embrace, but cease further movements when her side ache. "Damn," the man is very heavy! Left with no option, she decided to wait for the sleepy log to wake up.

On the other side, Xu Li woke up early in the morning to investigate the woman in the medical building. With his great-grandfather's binocular in hand, he went on one of the guest room facing opposite to the building. He took out his note to check for his plan. First, he will find out which room the woman is using. Second, using the binocular, he will observe the place from afar. Last, he plans to enter the building without the guards and staff's knowledge.

Rechecking his notes, he is confident that his master plan will procure a satisfactory result. No doubt that his father will lose his mind if his plan will be exposed. However, he is positive that he will finish before his father finds out.

Studying his location, he concluded that he is in the right room, he put it into memory and decided to come back later when his father left for work.

For now, he needs to go and have breakfast, since he can't spy with an empty stomach!


Inside the Medical building, Vera can't take it any longer. It had been two hours since she woke up, but the man next to her is still snoring. She twisted her body gently to rouse the man herself but hesitated when she noticed that he seems peaceful lying next to her.

Judging from his appearance, she could only suspect that the party was unpleasant, considering how tired the man in her arms is sleeping. Wanting to spare him more time, she roamed her eyes to examine his face instead.

Xu Long Wei's features have significantly changed through the years of their separation. His serious face when he was younger, looks more prominent and bolder that would easily frighten anyone around him. He appeared rougher due to his crooked nose, evidence of how often the man used to engage in fighting. Even though a small scar is visible in his left eyebrow, it didn't alter his image but enhance more. He looks more rogue and dangerous. She prefers his face now compared to his boyish one when they are young.

Vera raises her arm to scrutinize her scars there. After her consultation with Fang Wubin, she debated doing some surgery to lighten it. He said it is possible in today's technology.

Not wanting to believe hastily, she could only hope that the doctor is right. With that in mind, she settles to make a reservation for a session in a few days.

Hopefully, her scars won't make her son detest her appearance. At first, she didn't mind having it littered her body, but when she contemplates about it more, she needs to be involved with various individual in the future and having a scarred arm would terrify them.

Besides, she plans to undergo treatment on her arm only since she hates any beauty treatment. Even before, she is uncomfortable having them. It is not her character to pamper herself in that way. The only addiction she has is food and clothes shopping!

Thinking about it, she needs to do some shopping soon. She dislikes the clothes she has in the closet. She wonders who choose them. She doesn't like that person's taste at all.