Heart of a Silent Man

Chapter 32- Heart of a silent man

The couple is still unaware of their son's ploy continue to tease each other. However, Vera detected someone's eyes watching them. She looked intently outside and attempted to spot any unusual movement. Focusing on the room opposite to them, Vera waited a little bit but could not find anything. After a while, she decided to ignore her feeling.

"Long Wei, do you know where seven is? I need to contact him". Vera returned to her serious face and asked the question she wanted to know since she left Russia.

Xu Long Wei is busy organizing their breakfast stop and look at her sharply.


"I need to have access to my money. As you know, I might need to use it here. Seven is the only one I can trust to check if people are monitoring my account. Besides, I might need him sooner than later" She explained.

Xu Long Wei, look at her for a long time "I guess, I can't stop you from doing what you want to do. However, you need to promise me that you will be safe. I don't want you to be harm again."

She nodded "I Promise you; I won't leave you and our son again". She covered her delicate hands on his. She knows what he is scared of, but it is crucial for him to accept that she needs to do this for herself. At present, she can only vow to him that she will be careful of her actions.

Xu Long Wei gave a long sigh and pulled out an old card in his wallet.

"I keep this for a long time. When you vanish, I was chased out by your brother while he declared to your soldier that I betrayed you and was the reason for your disappearance. Fortunately, I had a clear mind to hide our son before I approach him, so he has no knowledge about him at that time. I was badly injured after but managed to escape when Seven found and help me hide from your organization. He also helped me erased my identity in Country A. He suspected that your brother is behind your disappearance so, he left me this card to contact in case of emergency. I am not sure if he is still using this though" Xu Long Wei detailed what happened to him after her kidnapping.

She tightens her fist from anger. The lunatic dared to cross her and even successfully manipulate her soldiers. No wonder there was no information about her disappearance no matter how she tried to search. That ungrateful bastard also uses her disappearance to kill her fiancée. So, her suspicion was correct; it was him after all.

"Just wait for me leech; your days are numbered. I will happily end your life with my bare hands the next time I see you" Vera vowed.

With uneven breathing due to her raised temper, Vera took the card and studied it for a long time. Although her brother controlled her soldiers, she is glad that not everyone would willingly follow the man. She has her own trusted team that pledge loyalty to her until they die.

Already planning her next moves, she placed the card in her bedside cabinet.

A tight embraced on her back pulled Vera from her murderous thought. "Don't forget that whatever plan you have in this mind of yours, I am here beside you always. I built my power and wealth for seven years that you are away, knowing you will need more backing when you come back." Xu Long Wei said.

"More than anyone in this world, I am the only one that knows you for who you are and what you can become if triggered. Therefore, I prepared everything so I can help you, instead of being a burden like before" He added full of regret and melancholy.

Seven years ago, he felt useless when facing his enemies' scheme. Although feared by Vera's soldier because of his reputation to kill without mercy, in front of her brother's plan, he was defenceless and naïve.

After he came back to Country X, he promised to himself that there would be a time he will never be under someone's manipulation again. Thus, he worked hard to change himself, which is visible to his achievement in business. He realizes that to defeat his enemies, he needs to be more powerful than them.

From being a trusting man who only lives to follow and protect the woman he loves; he became ruthless and cold to protect the only person that could give him light and redemption.

When he was younger, she was the only person that sticks by his side. Even his family abandoned him, which he didn't care. He was not a materialistic person. He only wanted to be with his mother and live peacefully. However, even that simple life vanished when she died and left him in that horrible apartment.

Until one day, this small woman in his arms approached him and stated loudly that he liked him. That his only purpose of living is to be her husband. On that day, his miserable life shuttered by her dazzling smile and proud face. His beaten and dying heart awakens. After that, he could not ignore nor leave her. His life revolves around her, even until now.

If people dare to ask him if he has regrets giving his life to this woman, he will answer the same as how he responded to her father.

"No, For I have only one destiny to follow in this lifetime, and that is the silhouette of the petite woman who will always walk with me holding hands".