Mother and Son Reunion (2)

Chapter 34- Mother and Son Reunion (2)

Vera was busy analyzing the documents in her hands when she was interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. Thinking it's her doctor, she replied softly and concentrated back to her work.

"Come in."

The door opens slowly, and a small head peek inside.

Vera, who is still occupied did not see Xu Li standing on the door waiting for her to glance him. After a while of silence, Vera raised her head to greet the doctor and apologize for being distracted when she notices that her visitor is not what she is expecting. She widens her eyes after seeing Xu Li watching her with a teary eye. Not prepared to see her son, she composed herself and put her documents aside.

Small green eyes observe her movements with longing. Looking at her son's sweaty state, she could only guess the effort he must have made to enter the building. Proud of her son's ability to plan and execute, she smiled to show her appreciation. She knows that the boy is trying to control his emotion; however, as a mother, she can detect that he is on his limit.

Not wanting to prolong the inevitable, Vera smiled and opened her arms, encouraging her child to come in her embrace.

"Come, Xu Li, Mommy misses you a lot". Vera said softly.

Upon hearing, her mom called him, Xu Li's tears fell. He runs towards his mother while crying loudly and not caring about the people that might listen to him. Crying has always been something he practiced to control. His father has taught him how to manage his emotion, especially that their life is always under scrutiny from the people around them. Still, he couldn't stop his tears from falling upon hearing his mother's voice.

Xu Li misses his mom more than anyone, and although his dad is there for him, it was never enough. It will never be enough, he thought. Every time he sees his cousins with their mother, he felt jealous because he thought he wouldn't have the chance to experience having a mom. He doesn't even know his mother's voice. But today he heard her. He is very happy and complete.

Now, he doesn't need to avoid others when they ask him about his mother nor will he hide from his cousins who blatantly show off their mom's affection in front of him. He can stand tall and proudly act like a child because his family is complete. More tears rush from his eyes as he felt his mother's arm engulf his small frame.

Vera caught her son and ignored the pain on her side when his body collided with her. A drop of tears left her eyes, seeing that her boy is crying uncontrollably. She also let go of all the emotion she holding as she embraces her child.

Throughout the years, she had always been guilty of leaving his son behind. Without her love and guidance, she was worried that he would grow up not knowing a mother's affection. She never wishes for her son to be alone. However, circumstances push them too much.

It was a miracle that she had managed to escape from her captivity and was given a chance to reunite with her family again. Although she knows that people will judge her for abandoning her child, she will never let it affect her. Instead, she will stand proudly next to her family, for she has returned whole and alive.

She tightly embraced her son and cried with him. Memories of her being pregnant rushes to her mind like a tsunami.

The day she learned she had conceived and the time she has told Xu Long Wei about their baby. When she had her first ultrasound, and she heard her son's heartbeat.

The time when she thought she would die because Xu Li was too big for natural labor, she thought, if she ever loses her life giving birth to her son, she will happily let go knowing that he will be born alive and healthy.

When she fought for her life against the people who want to capture her, but her mind is on her son tuck safely on the opposite room.

All the regrets and ache she had kept for many years burst and Vera couldn't control herself from crying loudly like her son. She yearned for this day to come, and she is finally granted this great miracle.

Fang Wubin and his two nurses, was startled after hearing loud noises coming from Vera's room. They decided to check what is going on and what they see will remain in their memory for a long time.

Mother and son, both are tucked in each other's embrace. There cries echoed the room and struck their hearts to its core. Not wanting to disturb them, he signaled the other to leave and notices their teary gaze. He turns his back and closes the door gently. He suddenly wanted to call his mother.

On that afternoon, the mother and son hug each other for a long time. It seems that both would want the world to stop moving for them to fill the time they were separated. It was indeed a sight to behold.