Savior, Dr Fang Wubin

Chapter 53- Savior, Dr Fang Wubin

Outside, Vera' family waited for 10 minutes before a man dressed in a white coat, approach them.

"Miss Jia, I am glad to offer my service. I have already assessed your grandfather's health condition. If you could just follow me, please." After bowing, Fang Wubin went straight to the point of his reason to be there.

Based on his experience with her, she doesn't like wasting time with pleasantries. Instead, she prefers to see results.

Vera is pleased with his action and introduces her uncle to the doctor. At first, uncle She Hao was totally surprised by the man. He dresses like a doctor working for the hospital. He is even amazed at how he treated his niece. There seems to be familiarity between the two, however it looks like a boss and subordinate type of affection.

He studied the doctor carefully and decided to deny the later part. It is impossible, he thought. Vera looks younger on his estimation.

"Uncle, Dr Fang is here to help us. He will take over grandfather's care from now, so don't worry anymore," she explained.

"Our fathers have known each other, so we have a great relationship." Vera lied on the last part. Not wanting to let her family know yet about her circumstances, she will try to hide her identity for now.

In front of her, Fang Wubin didn't show any sign of surprise. Although deep down, he is startled by her words. Since when they become close? His mind screams the words. However, he didn't voice it out. He followed the woman and pretended that what sh said is correct.

It would be nice if they are but, even if the woman is younger than him, he felt stiff with her. She has an intimidating aura that made him wants to be wary with his moves in front of her. It is like his natural response when she meets her. He involuntary shiver thinking about it.

He guided the family to the VIP room he prepared for the older couple. On the way, he explains in detail the procedure he needs to perform for the male patient. He might need to operate, as well. During his initial test today, he found out that the man has another health concern more severe than his injuries. He has a tumor on his neck. He is hoping it is not malignant.

However, he doesn't want to risk his health any longer. It was already fortunate that he didn't suffer any internal bleeding. Aside from a laceration and probably concussion, the older man will be better in no time.

The family couldn't contain their gratification to the doctor who is willing to help them. Much more, they couldn't believe what they are seeing upon entering the room their parents are allocated.

It seems like an expensive room for wealthy patients! Looking around, uncle She Hao slap his face more than once to check if he is dreaming. "This is..." He stammered a tear is forming in his eyes. He roams his eyes again in the room, and he couldn't control the emotion that flooded him. He is genuinely appreciative of the man's help.

He turns around and bows deeply to Dr Fang. "Thank you very much, doctor". He repeatedly said while trying to control the crack in his voice when he uttered those words.

Fang Wubin felt awkward, and he glances at Vera, but the woman just nodded her head, signaling him to accept their gratitude.


After the family settled in the room, he left the VIP room and went back to his office. He needs to resolve some things. Xu Long Wei instructed him to clean up some people in the hospital.

He becomes aware of the difficult situation the family were in today. When he heard that Dr Jin refuses to treat the older patient for the reason of insufficient funds, he had already violated some policy in the hospitals.

Since the boss is asking him to settles the problem personally, he better do it now.