Merry Atmosphere!

Chapter 55-Merry Atmosphere!

Jia Medical Hospital, Year 20XX

In the VIP room personally arranged by Vera, they are waiting for her grandfather to wake up. The family stayed in the dining area of the place to have their dinner when a light sound coming from the hospital bed made them notice that the older man regain his consciousness.

They rush towards the bed. Grandpa Lu is still tired and, but didn't miss the footstep approaching.

He raised his head to see and was shocked to see a woman with a similar face to her dead daughter. The only difference is that her eyes are the colour of the emerald green.

He tried to rub his eyes to and check if he is hallucinating, but when he focuses his gaze again, the image remains.

"Jia.." he called out. There is only one person that would look like his most beloved daughter. It is his lost granddaughter.

The older man stretches his arms and encouraged Vera to move closer. He wants to embrace her to see for himself if everything is real and not a product of his imagination. Considering the ordeal he had suffered, it would be understandable that his brain would play tricks on him. In his old age, he can't afford to experience grief again.

Seeing grandpa Lu's action, Vera didn't waste any time. She held his hand. "Grandpa, this is Jia. How are you feeling?" she asked softly.

Grandpa Lu could not control his emotions and teared up after she utter called his name. This girl is his granddaughter! Her voice sounds like the little girl he used to pamper whenever she visited their old house.

"My grandchild, How is this possible? I thought I had lost you, as well." He uttered as regret and guilt overcomes him. Now that he confirms Vera's identity, the feelings that he tried to bury to the grave resurfaces. He bowed his head to hide the tears that are flowing uncontrollably on his face.

Vera stood silently on the side. She couldn't do much but to rub his hand and offered comfort to the man who experienced unimaginable grief from all the tragedy his family had to endure. She could only promise to herself, that from today onward, she will make sure that her grandparents will see prosperity and wealth from now own.


After a while, when all their emotion settled down, grandpa Lu could help but inquire about her situation. Since she was away for many years and adding the fact that they have lost their family standing a long time ago, they could not find any information about her whereabouts.

Vera didn't hesitate to reveal some information about her. Of course, her underground connection was left unspoken.

"You mean to say, that you are now living here permanently?" Grandpa Lu can't help but express his delight. "It would be great to leave close to her." He thought.

"Yes, grandpa, I can also bring my son for you to meet as well. You will surely love him. He is a nice boy." Vera added.

"Yes, bring him. I can't wait to see my only grandson. As you know, your uncle and aunt didn't have the fortune of bearing a child. However, since you carried our next generation, I am thrilled to hear that our family line won't end in my lifetime. Ha. ha.ha..ha"

Vera smile upon seeing that the older man's cheerful countenance. Uncle Lu, on the side, also laugh with his father. Their family is truly blessed this year!

The VIP room in Jia Medical Hospital was brim with merry atmosphere as the family chatted.


Jia Garden

Late that night, after she ensures that her family is finally settled. Vera went home to the estate.

Xu Long Wei was waiting for her in the entrance when she arrives. The cozy way he positions himself on the sofa suggested that he had been there for quite some time.

She went to him and seated on his lap. The man is happy to cuddle her. His size swallowed her petite frame, which she loves the most.

Although quite intimidating, his massive size compares to him offers her warm and a feeling of security. As always, immerse in his protective hold, she forgets the turmoil emotion in her heart.

In a time like this, she wishes for the time to stop. A light kiss planted on her forehead made her closes her eyes to savor the sweetness of his gesture. They stayed like that without saying any words; both want to enjoy the tranquility of the night.

Xu Li, at the end of the corridor, witnesses his parent's interaction. Not wanting to disturb the two, he returns to his room without making any noise.