Troubles Brewing! (1)

Chapter 57- Troubles Brewing! (1)

Hidden Gems City, 20XX

Two days have passed, and the Family of Lu move-in their new house. The two elders are happy to see the place. Even, Aunt Zhang could not contain the overflowing gratitude she felt for her niece. For the years she had been with her husband, he never hidden any little information from her. She is well aware of the opportunity their niece has given to them.

Although they are hesitant to accept this unexpected offer, the elders are in dire need of a proper place to live. At the moment, they can't afford to provide them with the luxuries they were used to. Until now, the fact that Uncle Lu loses most of his parent's asset to his cousin is a thorn in his heart that embedded deeply. The guilt of having his supporting parents live miserably awakes him every night.

To support their lives for the past years, he could only scrap for any jobs around. However, now it is different. Jia opens them a gate of fortune.

Just yesterday, Uncle Lu was offered a permanent position in Xu Holdings as a Marketing Manager. At first he was undecided to enter the building. But after loitering around the area many times, he takes all the courage and meets the person Jia recommended. After the interview, he was given the contract that made him almost passed out and embarrassed himself. He left the building on that day with a huge smile plastered on his face.


Today, together with Xu Li, Jia brought some helper she personally selected to help her family settle down.

The elders are thrilled to meet their great-grandchild finally. Grandpa Lu is satisfied after checking the boy. His countenance is already dignified for a young kid, and it made him prouder even more. His granddaughter is back with a great-grandson to continue their bloodline. He could not pray for more fortune, and if his time to leave the earth is today, he will be happy to die knowing that he didn't live his life in vain.

Xu Li couldn't contain his happiness, meeting his great grandfather. He only has a great-grandma, but now he has a great-grandpa as well!

"Jia, I heard from your uncle that you are going to study? Which school are you going to get into?" Grandpa Lu asks. He didn't expect that she didn't study at her age yet.

"Yes Grandpa, I am interested in studying at Zhang Yong University. They are recognized in their engineering department, so I want to try some elective major there". She answered.

"What? Isn't it the most prestigious university in the country? Last I heard most of their students come from a wealthy family."

"I know grandpa, but they also have some student that came from an ordinary background. I am not worried at all".

"I see if that is what you decided. But be careful, my child." The older man warned. Since their family have fallen to the bottom of society, He is worried that his granddaughter might experience some grievances from others.

Vera hugs the older man silently. With her personality, aside from Xu Long Wei, she had never consoled someone, so at the moment she has no words of comfort for him.

Uncle Lu noticed the sad atmosphere and tried to breaks it. He called out for their lunch, and the family move to the dining area where the food is laid out for them to lavish.


Later that afternoon, Xu Li and Vera went back to Jia garden. They entered the house, but the sounds coming from the corridor stopped their light footstep. It seems that the helpers are having enough time to chat and gossip while working.

Xu Li wanted to make their presence known when Vera signaled him to listen to the conversation instead.

"Hey, have you seen the mistress today? She was very arrogant to Xiao Ming in the morning." One helper said to others.

"Why what happened?"

"As you guys know, Xiao Ming was tasked by Butler Yang to purchase for the mistress clothing, but today she told her rudely that her service is not necessary anymore. When Xiao Ming questioned her, she glared at her and said that her taste is the worst. She left after saying those hurtful words, and until now Xiao Ming is crying in her quarters". The helper supplied to everyone.

All of them gasp from surprise and curse flowed from their mouth after hearing that one of them got hurt by their madam's words. They all agreed that although their mistress is beautiful but her manners are the worst.

Vera was listening in the living room but didn't care about their opinions. She is used to these kinds of response from others. She was honed by his father to act in this way, and she can't alter her personality to please others.

For many years, she was always the boss and never bowed to others level. Thus her actions are mostly misunderstood by others. She says things truthfully and never sugarcoated her words to make others feel better.

Xu Li, on the other hand, is angry with what the helper is saying. Like his mom, he was raised by his father as a boss, and he can't tolerate any insult, especially from their own people. He made sure to remember this event to inform his father.

Mother and son, turn their back from the people in the corridor and waited in the living room as nothing happened. They are both silents until the staff finished their gossip and return to their work.