The Training Ground!

Chapter 65- The Training Ground!

Multiple commands and shouts of soldier resound in the isolated camp and Jia's footstep abruptly stop as the ground beneath her vibrate from the numerous pounding feet running towards her direction. She moves to the side and gives way for the soldiers running in two rows carrying a tactical backpack behind their back.

From the sweats running to their forehead and their rapid breathing, she guessed that they had been doing the exercise for quite some time.

Looking around the area, she finally noticed the numerous training obstacle built for the soldiers basic training. The training ground is similar to an oval area which is well suited for a training course to intensify and improve the soldier's physical ability.

From her left is a climbing wall which has two ropes hanging for them to pass the high wall — followed by a dozen hurdles made of solid lumber. A wired obstacle is in place not far from the barriers. Underneath is a muddy ground design to slow down their movements while under it. Feeling like an outsider in this new yet familiar atmosphere, Jia stood her ground and spent more time assessing her environment. Based on what she is witnessing at the moment, this area is basically for beginners, she can't help but wonders, if they also in houses complicated training for the advance soldier as well. She will make sure to ask Long Wei later.

After a while of contemplating, Jia found her spot and waited for the platoon which she later realizes is the same as the one that almost rams her on the way. A few minutes later, the group of haggard looking men and women stop their drill and position to face her.

Confuse of what is happening since she is aware that they are not supposed to identify her as their new trainer, Jia glance around her to get some answer. However, seeing that the burning afternoon had turned into dusk, most of the people went inside the building.

Jia composes herself and mask her face of any emotion. She addresses her troops "My name is Lu Jia; you can call me Jia from now on. I am tasked to train you until your next physical examination. My position here is temporary; however, I will do my best to train you all in the best of my ability." She introduces loudly for everyone to hear.

"Also, I am not a difficult person, and if you follow my command without question, you can rest assure that true success will be within your grasp." She added

The 34 soldiers listen intently to their leader's word. They were supposed to be done with training 30 minutes ago, but they were informed that their platoon leader is waiting for them. Scared of being reprimanded, they hurriedly went back to greet her.

At first, they doubted after seeing that she was a small woman and looks weak in their estimation. However, they heard the reputation of the petite woman beforehand, and although it is difficult to believe that her frame managed to fight with their captain a few months back in hand to hand combat dissolve all their hesitation.

As a matter of fact, the woman is known in their camp since the top, and the specialized team under Captain Liu spoke highly of their encounter with her. Aside from that, she is the well-known missing wife of their revered Commander. With all these thoughts in mind, the soldier's troubled mind eases a little.

"From tomorrow, I will be implementing a new training regimen for all of you. Make sure to be ready before six in the morning. We will meet in that mountain". Jia pointed at the deserted mountain behind them.

The soldier swallowed a large gulp of their saliva after the mere mention of the mountain located just 20 minutes behind their camp.

Most soldiers avoid going to the cursed area because of the terrible rumor surrounding the place. It is said that every night, people's mournful voices echoed in the dark area. One time, one man even came out bloodied and bruise!

After that, everyone did their best to keep away from it. Hearing that they will be visiting the hunted mountain, some of them turned white while others almost couldn't control their involuntary action to flee the place.

Jia smirk sensing the men and women's uneasiness after hearing her words. She learned today about the mountain's reputation among the soldier, and she intentionally decided to use it to her advantage. Considering her reason to be in here is to improve these weakling's moral, going directly to the major part of the training is her best bet.

She had already consulted her plan from Captain Liu, and although the man was uncertain, he chooses to trust her at the end. Anyway, he never knew her ways of training aside from it is similar to Xu Long Wei.

Jia roamed her eyes on everyone and said "Tonight, I want you to relax and prepare for tomorrow's training. Remember this before you sleep, you need to be in your best condition tomorrow as it might be the last time you enter and leave the place alive. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Vera shouted the last part to give the intended effect she wanted.

"Ma'am yes, Ma'am!" The soldier replied simultaneously. Jia commanded them to go inside the building and made proper preparation for tomorrow.

She also left the place a few minutes later. It will take a few minutes before she reaches Jia Garden and it would be better for her to go before it gets too late. She is not familiar with the road yet and venturing in unfamiliar places is something she hated the most.

Jia hop in his car and drive in the dark and narrowed road leading back to her home where her man and son are waiting for her arrival.