His Story (2)

Chapter 71- His Story (2)

29 years ago, Country X

Small footsteps rush down the staircase as Xu Long Wei's excitement fuel his energy to run and meet his father and grandfather in the entrance. Early this morning, he was informed by Butler Yang, that his dad would arrive after his two weeks business trip in Country S.

Due to military friction between country X and country A, the economy of both countries suffered for the past year. To secure their family's business from the ongoing collapse of the economy, his father and grandfather visited their business friend in Country S for a joint venture. Most of the family agreed that it is time for their family to expands and pursue an international trade with a foreign country.

It seems that his father is successful since they arrive earlier than planned, little Xu Long Wei thought. He looks at the entrance door where his old man stood dignified while talking to his mother. Happy to see his father again, he quickens his movement and hugs the man tightly on his waist.

"Daddy, I miss you" He buried his head in his father's stomach and murmured the words softly. Although he is giant for his age, from time to time, he wanted to express his love to his father, especially at times like this.

"My Boy! Look at you, I have only been away for two weeks, but you have sprouted like a wild vine!" Master Xu exclaimed exaggeratedly. He returned Little Xu's tight embrace and planted a kiss in his head.

"I know love; I keep telling him that he will reach the entrance door very soon if he doesn't stop growing!" His mother added amusingly on the side. She followed her words with a wink that got the man a full belly laugh. The two laughs together while Little Xu pouted his adorable lips and pretended that he was offended by his parents. However, his heart is bursting with happiness seeing them together again. His mother was lonely when his dad was away, but today, her jolly personality came back to normal.

The atmosphere of the three was captivating that the staff witnessing the scene on the side laugh with their master. They are blessed to work with this loving family, and they wish to see more of their interaction.


After his father settled, they stayed in the living room, and Xu Long Wei listen to his father's story about the past week he has been away. Based on him, Country S is entirely different than Country A in many ways, and he would love to bring their family for a short trip the next time he visits the place. Xu Long Wei is thrilled after hearing his father's plan to travel abroad.

He hasn't been in a foreign place and thinking about the idea of travelling thrilled his young heart. He wanted to ask more question, but his words were interrupted by Butler Yang.

Butler Yang tried to even out his breathing after he runs to reach master Xu. "Master, your father, just called and he is requesting you to call him back. He said it is an emergency." The urgency in Butler Yang's voice made master Xu nervous. He is wondering what happened that made his father call him.

He hurriedly left the living room and hurriedly walk to his study. Not wanting to waste more time, he picks up the phone that was left carelessly by Butler Yang. He dialled the main house and a few seconds later; he could hear his father's panic voice on the other line.

"Son, bad news. I got a message from Country S. They change their mind, and they no longer want to do business with us. I believe that someone must have learned about our plan and put pressure on them. I plan to go back and pursued them again, so I will need you to stay here to manage our Xu Holdings while I am away."

"I understand father; however, I am worried about your health. We just landed today, and another hour on the plane will surely affect your body. I want to be with you." Master Xu beg his father. Their company might be essential , but his father is more important.

Headmaster Xu pause for a long time as he weighs their option. "I see, then prepare yourself, we will leave around ten in the evening. I will have our private jet ready as well." The older man says before hanging up.

Master Xu leave his study and meet his family back in the living room. He explained the situation to his wife and although apprehensive by the sudden event, she keeps her worries and started packing for her husband's departure.

Xu Long Wei listen on the side as he cries silently. His father just arrived today, but he needs to leave again. "For sure, he will be away for many days again, which is unfair! He wishes his father won't leave and stay with them instead." He wipes the tears in his eyes and bolted out of the living. He ignored his father's shout asking him to come back.