Predicting the attacks

The time didn't fly by as quickly as I had hoped, this kid surely has traveled before and yet she acts as if she never has. Her eyes have been darting around the plane for the past 2 hours, I can't count how many times she said "wow" or "cool". She would repeatedly run back tot he window any time she saw even the smallest thing in the sky, but I do see improvement for the first 30 minutes she wouldn't separate from the window at all even though she only saw clouds. This kid will drive me insane, the money better be worth this shit.

The flight was about 12 hours long, around the 6th hour I couldn't take her any more even with alcohol in my system and to be honest a little weed. So I was nice and shared one of my delicious brownies with her, specifically my special brownie which gave her a little rush in the beginning but then she mellowed out then proceeded to pass out for the remainder of the flight. Thank god there were no other guards with us, other wise I might have gotten fired, then the 6 hours I endured would have been for nothing.

We arrived at the airport and got off the plane, however when we arrived I noticed an unusually odd amount of workers. One of which I recognized, when you work in the kind of line I do you meet all kinds of people including ones just like myself, who will do anything for money. One of the workers on the ground tried to hide his face but I recognized a tattoo on his neck which belongs to a gang for a hire, they specialize in hit jobs. Time to act before they do, lets earn myself a bonus.

Before the plane stopped, I opened up the kids suit case and found an outfit to fit me. I always come prepared for disguises, so of course I had a long straight brown hair wig on hand.

"All right kid wake up, time to go we got some trouble heading our way and we gotta move quick." I said as I tapped her leg to wake her, "What? when did I fall asleep? what's happening?" she quickly started to panic and I don't have time for that, but I cant risk giving her any drugs again since she's gonna be meeting her fiancé in about 5 hours and it'll still be in her system by then. Dang it, good thing I'm a good actor.

"Hey kid look at me, listen getting worried or panicked over this isn't going to do you any good or me. I'm going to protect you no matter what, ok? Look at me I'm dressed as you for a reason, I've already contacted the guards your fiancé sent they are on there way to the plane, I also told the pilot to get closer to the air port so we wont have to be out in the open to long. You and I will both be surrounded by guards with our faces covered, they wont take a risk to attack us if they don't know whose who. So don't worry your safe, now lets get you to your fiancé." I said as I kept eye contact and held her shoulders.

Thank god I took a psych class in college, and a few acting class. If there is one thing I know how to do it is fake it/ act, curtesy of my work experience and college classes. Who knew school would come in handy. The pilot got us fairly close to the airport we had about a five minute walk till we got in, but that's still enough time to get killed. There were four guards her fiancé hired right at the bottom of the ramp off the plane, we both got off at the same time and walked side by side. I kept my eye on all of the air port workers, I had my gun under my arm under the cardigan I borrowed from the kid.

Just as I thought none of the guys were dumb enough to act when we had four armed guards and they couldn't tell who was who, but they knew one of us was a professional. We moved through the airport quickly I kept a constant look out for anyone suspicious. Something odds going on, who ever wants her dead isn't trying very hard, they only hired those guys on the run way that cant be it. I think it's safe to say the worse is yet to come, there's gonna be an attack lets just hope its after she isn't my problem anymore. We got to the car waiting for us at the exit of the airport, I let the guard open the door for both of us and slipped into the back seat with the kid. I figured it would be best not to tell her what I think is gonna happen otherwise I'll have to deal with her panic attack again.

I dont think they'll attack us on the road anyways though, to high of a risk of us getting away and the athorities getting involved.

Just as I predicted we made it to the house safely without any other signs trouble, these people really are rich. This is a huge mansion, lucky me, lets see if I can get myself a bonus. Lets just hope they dont notice the marijana in her system, and even if they do, I can always just say the kid smokes it.