You attacked me

Based off of what I saw that guy wearing and how he acted when he saw the kid, I can guess that he's into innocent girls. Not your typical women covered in makeup, perfume, and sexy clothes. He prefers a more mature and innocent girl, I slip into a white camisole with a black sweater on top buttoned half way up. Unfortunately I don't have any not sexy clothes for the bottom layers, and there's no time to shop for some. Oh I've got it, the clothes I borrowed from the kid, I was wearing a loose knee length pure white skirt.

After I dressed up I dug through my bag to find my emergency supply of drugs, poisons, and antidotes. Thank god I still have more, I was little worried for a second there, I pull out my most powerful aphrodisiac. I take the pill and drop it into the wine bottle and swish it around in there to dissolve it faster. It's so unfortunate that he likes pure girls, now I have to make myself get drugged to that way he cant say I drugged him to take advantage of him. I'll just blame it on the staff, "the man who delivered it wanted to take advantage of me." that sounds like a good one.

I pop the cork back in, and go to my phone and transfer the money back to the card. I moved over to the mirror and braid my long hair, as I stare into the mirror I think "Tonight this man will become mine, weather he wants it or not." I heard a knock at the door and yell "one moment", it's always good to make them wait a little. I move over and open the door, "hello, thank you so much for coming over. The card doesn't seem to work." I opened the door and let him in.

"No problem, I'd feel bad if you didn't get paid for your work. I'll just take the card and transfer the funds to your card directly with my laptop." he said as he set down his laptop on the counter,

"Ok, here's the card, I'll go get my card". I left the room and got my card from my bag, when I got back he was standing at the counter on the laptop.

"Here's the card." I handed him the card, he quickly transferred the money. Then turned to me and said. "Here's your card back, if the money doesnt show up in your account by morning then contact me again and I'll be happy to fix it."

"Thank you so much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this."

"No problem, well I'll be heading out. Have a good night" he closed his laptop and turned to walk away.

"Wait, I feel bad for making you come out here so late, so plaese let me repay you."

"No really, thats not neccesary." he shook his head and turned again to leave.

"But what are people gonna think of me now, how discurtious can I be to make you drive out to my hotel this late and not show you any kind of courtesy or repay you in any way. Plaese allow me to at least offer you a drink, I ordered a nice wine before you came." I said as I picked up the wine bottle and showed him it.

" Well, I suppouse one drink wouldn't hurt. Thank you for the drink."

"My pleasure." I turned and poured out two glasses, then handed him one and said "Enjoy."

He downed the glass rather quickly just as I had thought he would, I took about two sips and then set down my glass.

"Well thank you for the glass, I really shou..." the drug took no time at all to take affect, he was already sweating and parched. "Um actually would you happen to have some water, for some reason I'm really thirsty and hot."

"Sure, I could actually use some myself." I went to the mini fridge to get the water and felt the drug start to take affect. It shouldnt affect me to bag I didnt consume much and I have built up an immunnity over the years to it. I return to him and give him the water bottle, "thanks."

"No problem, you know you dont look so good. Why dont you come have a seat on the couch."

"No I couldnt I have to get back, but would you mind driving me back? We can take my car."

he said as he grabbed hold of my arm for support, its affecting him better then I had expected.

"I would, but I don't feel so good myself all of a sudden. I feel really drowsy and hot."

"Same here." He turned his gaze and made eye contact with me, he stared silently into my eyes. I took the oppurtunity and kissed him. I quickly backed off and acted as if I was in shock and said

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I dont know what came over me."

He leaned close in close to me leaning his forehead against mine "Dont be sorry." he said then forcfully kissed me, I lost my balance and fell back against the counter, but that didnt stop him.

"I'm sorry, I dont know whats come over me but I need you. Now!" he slipped his arm under my legs and carried me off to the bed. He gently laid me upon the bed, then climbed on top of me. My vision was getting even more blurry, but I could still feel the heat coming off his body, his heavy breathing, and his excitement from down below.

That night he ravaged me through till morning, I've got to admit he was good. Guess maybe he'll be good for something aside from money and power. We tore apart the room, the bed, sullied the bathroom and the hot tub. There was no part of this that hadn't felt us in that night, the drug did exactly what it should have but now its time to dump the proof. Not to mention the most perfect thing to complete this night happened, the kid called when we were in the middle of it, I made sure to answer and give her some good audio of us. He was so hipped up he didn't even notice the phone, let alone that it was his. Best of all he'll think he answered it, in his drunken state.

Morning rolled around and he was passed and cold next to me in the bed, thanks to a mix of exhaustion and the drugs side effect he'll be out for a while. In that time, I quickly found the remainder of the drug and dumped it down the toilet. After which I returned to lay next to me, and fake a shocked awakening. Lets hope my acting is good in this exhausted state, "OH MY GOD, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!" I screamed as I jumped up from the bed and covered myself with the sheet, he immediately sat up and turned to me. he then glanced down at himself and said." What the hell happened? why are we naked and in bed together?"

"Why do you think? You attacked me last night and took my first." I turned my face awat form him and started crying.

"No, i wouldn't, I didn't. Did I? I just remember being uncomfortable and then I.." In that moment some of his memories returned, I didnt actually lie he did start it and took control the whole time, I just didnt really resist.

"Oh no what have I done to you, I'm so sorry. I didnt mean to something came over me last night, there must have been something in the wine we drank."

"The wine?" I turn my gaze a little back showing him a sad expression filled with tears.

"Ya, I know it affect you to. I um remember some of last night, some one must have put something in the wine, but it didn't affect you as much as me because you drank a little while I chugged mine cause I was in a hurry."

Wow, he came up with a perfect story without any help from my lies. "I'm sorry, I just can't see you right now I have to much shame. Please just take your clothes and leave before I come out." I take my clothes from the floor and go into the bathroom, before long I hear him leave.

Now then time for phase two.