"Please." he said as he pleaded. I rolled my eyes and huffed

"If I do, what will you do in return?" I reasoned

"I'll never date a girl I don't like and I'll stop bullying people." he offered. That seems a fair bargain. Pretend to date Taehyung while he stops being a bully and a player

Alright. I'll do it." I replied. "Can I eat the rest of my food now?" I asked as I lifted up my box a little bit.

"Thanks. And yeah." he said before walking off

"You don't have to leave you know?" .I said

He stopped and turned back around before sitting down next to me. I carried on eating my sushi before giving him the last piece. "So, since we're dating we need to learn about each other." I explained as I placed the box in my bag from the sushi.

You can go first." he stated as he sat interested. My past isn't great since I moved around so much and I'm the worst daughter anyone could ever have!

"Well, you will either never want to speak to me again or you just won't believe me so it's your choice." I explained

He nodded so I thought it would be a great idea to just carry on. "My father left us when I was 11 years old. This really upset me and my mom so I kind of went off the rails slightly. Ive skipped school, been in plenty of fights, argued with most of my teachers, stole a lot of things but I got caught a few times, I've been driven home in a police car about 3 times and I've been in about 3 different gangs." I explained.

Taehyung looked slightly scared. "I knew you wouldn't be happy to be around me anymore. That's why I prefer to be on my own so I won't get into anymore trouble."

"I do believe you even though I don't want to because you don't seem the person to do anything like that. But why are you here in Korea even though you are Chinese?" Taehyung asked me. Now this will surely make him want to never speak to me again as well as re- thinking who he pretends to date.

It is a really bad past and I acted completely out of character and I don't really care if he hates me forever and never talks to me again because being alone means I won't get hurt or into any trouble.

"Well, since I was such a bad kid, I was kicked out of so many schools. Me and my mom travelled all around China for a school who would accept me but there was one in Taiwan that would accept me. And then everything changed...for worse."

"What happened in Taiwan?"

"I joined a group of friends but they turned out to be a gang. A really bad one. Every single one of them had been arrested at least once. The leader had shot someone before but they never found him. One day, they made me rob a bank to prove that I shouldn't be killed. I went into the bank and did the normal thing of pulling out a gun and asking the money." I explained as my hands started to shake.

Taehyung looked shocked. I don't blame him really. "Then what?" he asked.

"I knocked out the security guard since I learned Kung Fu when I was little. I then grabbed an innocent woman and held a gun to her head. I never puled the trigger. The police came and I dropped the gun while surrendering. I still don't know what came over me since I would never go that far. After many weeks of court, I was sentenced to 16 months in Juvie. It would have been longer, but they reduced the sentence since I owned up to my wrong doing instead of denying the assault." I carried on. You can hear in my voice that I was shaking.

I don't know why I was shaking. Was I just scared of Taehyung not wanting to like me or was I just scared that he'd tell people what I did?

"So how come you left Taiwan to come here?" Taehyung asked. He didn't really seem bothered about what I had done. A normal person would have ran away by now but he hasn't. He just seems to calm about my past. Why?

"Since I was in Juvie, no school would accept me so my mom sent me here to Korea where I was meant to start a fresh with my grandma. She had moved away after she heard what I had done. She's now scared of me after the whole gun thing. My mom found out and came to live with me so she could keep an eye on things. So here I am, starting a freslh as a kid you would never have expected to have even been in a gang." I finished.

I was relieved that someone knew about my past but I just hope that I can trust Taehyung with it. I don't want to have to be scared and feared by every one in the school again. I hate moving around. I've moved way too much. Taehyung was still so calm. "Aren't you scared or something?" I asked as I was confused with his facial reaction. He shook his head. "That's in the past now. As you say, you're different..." He said as he smirked slightly. Taehyung?" I murmured. And then it happened. I was being played by the biggest player in the school. His smirk gradually got closer and closer to me until he was only a few centimetres away from me.

What the heck is he doing?


Hehe, I'm so evil with these! What will she do? Kiss him or push him away? You'll have to wait for when I update again which I have no idea when the heck that will be AA *Evil Grin*