Chapter 26: Sakura in the Shadows (19)

Next Day...

Rachel had avoided Tsiyi not even daring to be near him. Today was the Night of the moon Ball Where she will embark her most glorious dance. She constantly tried to push Tsiyi to the back of her mind.

Nervousness never took her heart, after everything she has been through how a performance is going to stop her now. Plus, Rachel could not help but admire the glorious stage, it was breath taking even more so then her dance will be even more so.

This was the Prince's garden everything was set. Rachel thought as she thought about the Moon Prince, handsome he was he also looked very kind. That was air he gave off at least. The Moon Princess was tall and dressed in a somber black kimono, with very simple ornament.

Riyo had already greeted the pair as Rachel went to see about some things for her performance, her shadows keeping an eye on their conversations. But, in truth she was hiding from someone. Although he wasn't close, she could feel his gaze.

It began, once everything was settled the performances started. Beautiful ladies began their performances of the traditional dances each on beautiful and alluring. None stole Rachels gaze as they where all just moving without and pure emotions running through them, even if their was emotions it was nothing more then greed in their eyes.

Typical for Ancient Women

What was also typical was the daggers she felt from then on her back the moment she stepped into the large beautiful garden will fluttering petals.

Now it was Rachels after a brunch of performances and she was the last one. How Nice

Rachel stepped onto the fountain stage her white kimono with a single golden dragon designed into it. Many women smirked and mocked her for the her choice in clothes.

And with a drop of a petal she began her dance.

I can hear a gentle sound,

Soft as the murmur of this flowing river.

As the wind caresses my cheeks,

Those sweet memories start blurring together.

The distant sky

Awakens in me the memories on the edge of oblivion

With a searing pain to my heart.

And thus, my tears fall.

Rachels dance began as simple as her Kimono, that flutter beautifully with her moves. It gave people a serene feeling,

The season of the white cherry blossoms

Now exists only in a faraway dream.

In that dream, the dancing petals whispered to me

Words I can never forget.

On sleepless nights, all by myself,

I'd take a walk in the soft warm breeze,

Only to realize that I've entered the realm of my memories

Where I simply frolicked around without a single worry.

As time Continued her audience began to notice the change in her Kimono it was still white, but it began to sparkle. Other colors where illuminated.

The moon has disappeared behind the clouds.

My memories of those sultry days-

The ones I wish to erase, have also grown hazy.

And my tears won't stop.

Her song was drawing near, and she felt it as she filled everything into it.

Cruelly, time ticks away,

Amusing itself with keeping people from moving on.

The luxuriant foliage of cherry tree leaves

No longer tells me anything.

And like the last performance of Kaleido Star where Sora began and Angel. Rachel's Kimono change one last time making her look like an angel.

The season of the white cherry blossoms

Now exists only in a faraway dream.

In that dream, the dancing petals whispered to me

Words I can never forget.

Her last words ended the Song and performance. The breathtaking scene, the illusion brought her audience to tears. She stole a glance at the Prince who flushed face was obvious as for the Moon Princess she had a look of surprise mixed with something else before it downturned speechless.

The Moon Princess doesn't like her.