The Ex-Heroine, Lovely Florist (4)

"…." Louis stared at this adoptive sister of his for a moment before he dejectedly left, his friend following him. Prince Allen gave a glance back to Miyu before he left.

Her day end quickly.

At night Miyu looked at the Awagre Flower before her, her notebook was full of information about it. Her hand was still on. Her eyes changed color and her iris looked to have five petals centered. This means she is using her power to fully study the make-up of the plant before her.

By morning, she opened her shop as per usual and sat in her little corner with another book. The next moment the Crown Prince and his entourage walked in, Prince Albert walked straight toward Rachel with a winning smile.

"My Lad-" Prince Albert began to say but was cut off.

"I would prefer you not talk to me if you aren't buying anything" Miyu cut in off quickly without looking up.

"Ho-" The prince's aide began to say when he was suddenly cut off to.

"I do not care, Leave if your not buying." Miyu repeated her words again.

"My Lady, I believe you don't understand. So, I'll will introduce myself." Said Prince Albert with his charming smile back on. "I am Crown Prince Albert Helian"

"….." (ー_ー )

Prince Albert waited for a moment to let his identity soak in and saw that she didn't respond.

"Does my identity surprise you, It is alright. I understand" Prince Albert tried playing it if until he realized he was being ignored by the beauty. He wasn't sure what to make of it, he was used to women kiss the ground he walked on.

Even his amazing Fiancée was no different.

At that moment Piers walked in to see the three strangers, one of them looked to be trying to hit one Miyu. He saw the face of the first man who was being bold and felt inferior.

Well, he was in duty and was going on his rounds when he remembered a book he thinks Miyu would be interested in and decided to drop by to see if she wanted it. He was nervous at first but seeing that she gave them no mind he felt relieved.

Finding the courage, he walked pasted the Prince and showed her the book.

"..." Miyu looked at it for a moment and too it in her hand as she stood up and grabbed something out of the desk right next to her.

Prince Albert stared at the newcomer who was taking the attention of the person he was trying to court. Miyu handed Piers something, he looked at it and smiled his face flushed.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked nervously.

Miyu nodded her head and sat back down as Piers ran off. Prince Albert was starting to get ticked off because the women was still ignoring him. Just then another familiar pair walked inside.

It turned out to be Louis and Andrea, you can guess that Louis had talked to Andrea and she wanted to see the dreadful heroine. Seeing her Fiancée and the two other capture targets here, she was surprised before her heart started to fill with rage. She could tell from her fiancée's face that he was smitten with the Heroines.

Andrea glanced at the Louis the Heroine's adoptive brother.

It might be better to explain, Andrea's dislike for the Veronica the original Heroine. Is due to the awful game, the game that Veronica was the heroine came out buggy and glitch. It was to the point that everyone who played it hatted in some way. For Andrea it was due to the frustration she had playing the Heroine who had continuous gotten a bad end.

The Game did not elaborate or revel the abuse Veronica had growing up the Duke's mansion, so Andrea didn't know anything about it.

The Duke's mansion was also careful about rumors and then again, the rumors that did come out was of how awful a person she was.

Getting back to the Game.

Prince Albert who was engaged to her in the game, didn't really care no had any interest in meeting her. So the two didn't officially met until they got to the enrolled into the academy. Where he fell in love with her at first site and chased after her.

Louis and his younger brother didn't like Veronica, because they believed she was the reason their mother had died. Their mother died due to heartbreak, they believed it was because their dad had been seeing Veronica's mother at the time and that was the reason.

Which is wrong Veronica's mother was still happily married to her husband who was still alive.

The reason the Duchess committed suicide was because she had a lover who married another women, her lover was Veronica's husband. The Duke who had been faithful to his wife found out and was furious that of his wife adulterous acts.

He questioned the Parentage of his children and had it secretly checked, he sighed with relief when they where his blood-related children.

He didn't confront his wife because she had already committed suicide by then. The Duke wanted nothing more then to solve the mystery, found out his wife's lover and was met with the man's widowed wife making it impossible for revenge.

The Duke decided to bring the women in as his lover.

When Veronica's mother found out about all this mess, she tried to leave only to release that she was pregnant. She told the duke that the child belongs to her husband, who had been dead for more than a month.

It's unfortunate the Veronica's mother was so damaged by what happened she ended up convincing herself that it was true and leaving all together.

As you can see, she died the duke chased her down and brought back baby Veronica. The problem was that she grew up with black hair and her mother's feature, compared to the Duke's family dark green hair. She looked nothing like the duke, as she grew a little older.

As a result, the entire Duke's household began to mistreat her, the Duke's son who already didn't like Veronica hatred of her grew deeper because they believe her mother tricked their father. As for the Duke he was just disheartened because that meant the two women in his life had done him this injustice.

So, he ignored the child and started to consider her a tool to use.

But you see most of this backstory wasn't known, because the game was so glitchy and awful that no one played up to the point where a blood test was actually done to confirm that Veronica was the child of the Duke and not a fake lady.

The reason the blood test was conducted was because the Duke finally had hope when Veronica awakened her inheritance magic. The ability to control Wind, that belonged to the duke's family heritage and only prominent in their family.