The Red Empire, Azria (6)

With the Passing of the months, Gaze had worked to awaken most of the Red-Cities lost to the Desert. The Empire is almost fully restored now except for the capital. But this time she was left with a stump, the capital was different and nothing she could do to get past the black-sand storm surrounding it.

Half a year had passed now, In Winter she took a break, due to a holiday that the Red Bloods celebrate. New Year the day where the passing of the old and into the new. The Red Empire has only one more City to awaken, most of the red-blood have fully integrated into the Empire.

This Achievement in such a sort time, she can only be happy.

However, the worries of next year still plague her. The Bronze race are still 'missing', the Green Race has fully established themselves on their islands only. Afterword's they didn't participate in more Violence. They even came to make peace with the Red.

Tartys, a major city built by the ocean for trade was where they made contact first. From them she had gotten to understand about their situation and side of the war. Because the Red Race was the fist settlers of this world, of course they made friends with them in the beginning. A Peaceful treaty was formed, and they gained the ability to walk on land as per their Peace Treaty.

Of course, this land walking was a marvel with them, and they where the first race to become friendly with the Red Bloods, their absence was due to her falling asleep in order to restore the world. They gather to the deepest part of the Ocean in order to stay silent.

As for the conflict and war between Race, They were dragged into a conflict by the Gold Race. Because they were ugly, the gold race didn't like the appearance of the Green Race and wanted to exterminate them. The Green Race's abilities involved water like ability's and anything to do with the Ocean.

And their beautiful human forms where due to the treaty established by Gaze as a gift, this changed their appearance from fish face to beautiful Oceanic half-humans. Note, they where only like this friendly towards The Red Empire. The other races they had misgivings about the others.

Originally The Red Empire was the neutral force that kept the Races from causing to much damage, and that it was the Bronze Race that forced her to sleep. This Information made her weary and rather then happy, causing she almost knows nothing about the Bronze race. Other then the fact that they were beats like people.

And that they had an intense hatred of the Gold and Silver Races.

Gaze stood on the balcony of Vequaniel, the City of Green, that resided closet to the former capital still yet to be recovered. Celebrating had begun for days; the territory is all in full bloom. Although modernizing the building and modifying them to catch up with the times, will take years. But everything else is as expected.

In a few moments her people will be letting up a Fireworks display in all cities in celebration as the countdown begins.

Vivian was at the edge of the door, with a soft smile plastered on her face. Sitting across from Gaze is Nimue, she is completely light blue, hair and Eyes, scales her fins are also this color. She is the Green Blood Representative coming to celebrate the New Years with them. Her eyes carry excitement about seeing the fireworks

"Five" You can hear the shouts from the streets, as they yell.

"Four" Excitement, and overflowing happiness. As they hold their loved ones, as they hold there children close.

"Three" No longer Oppressed by Others. No longer having to fear death because they displeased someone.

"Two." They raise the former flag of the Red Empire, which shows two crescent moons and a Star. With a Rose and couple of Lilies etched into it

"One" Freedom is finally there's.


The Sound of the fireworks lift off into the night sky. Colors of Reds, Blues, Yellows, Purples, Golds, Silvers, and any color that could be found blasted into the night sky nonstop. It was to hard to hear but the Sound Of Vivian's sniffling was heard in the background. Gaze of course heard it, but she also wanted Vivian to have this moment to celebrate.

As she was watching the fireworks, Gaze saw something in the sky that was out of place. But, their for a moment and then gone the next.

'Strange, for a moment I thought I saw lines in the sky'

After the celebration another few month had passed in getting things back to order. The snow melted and progressed resumed at a fast paste. Peace does not last long, their will always be reasons to pull someone into a war.

The Silver Empire lead by Davlan has been fighting off both a Civil War. Ray had built up his forces within four months to attack his brother. Both Sides equal and at a Stale mate

The Gold Race hasn't touched them because they were enjoying the Calamity of Others. And they had taken their land back from the other Silver Countries, so they seemed to be satisfied with watching a show. They seemed to be weary of her and that the only reason they may not want to start a fight with her.

Because they are at a stalemate with no end, of Course, who would look for a better solution but to find more allies among the other races. Ray wanted to see if he can come to some sort of deal. Gaze found no problem with listening to him at most.

Gaze was reintroduced to Ray, in the plaza top Garden of Vequaniel's Temple. It overlooked the Area where a black dust storm is visible. That is where the former Capital lay, she frowns every time she see it. She looked behind her to see Ray approaching with his two representatives, and an extra she recognized as Nicht. Her former Silver bodyguard. She saw the arrogant and disgusted faces on the Silvers. She can already guess that the Silvers hadn't noticed yet their powers are useless in the Red Bloods territory.

Which was completely Caught by Nimue, who was now already hostile and glaring at them. IF they come to an agreement Gaze had her present so that she can't inform her Father the Leader Green Bloods.

"Its been awhile Cousin, no, Queen Gaze of Azria." Ray said solemnly he had a little hurt deep in his eyes.

"Yes, Prince Raymphon" Gaze sighed.