So Poor There's No Food in The Fridge

In the most pleasant, refreshing morning, where birds can be heard chirping and singing some hums of nature, a detestable snoring can be heard.

And the snore came from no else but our lead - Julia, who fell asleep finding mon- ehem, I mean translating some chinese book online.

Yeah, as the great philosopher she is, it was due talent.

The snoring continued at almost lunch time.

Perhaps sensing it's almost lunch time, her stomach growled thus the reason why she woke up.


She woke up and stretch her limbs out of the bed and rubbed her stomach.

She went to the kitchen to grab some food to satisfy her non stop grumbling stomach...but when she opened the fridge there was no food in sight.

She guffawed at seeing how poor she was, so poor that there's no food in the fridge.

She almost wanted to cry on the spot thinking to herself on how could she survive without food.

'I could survive without money and can even live off the streets, take away anything from me but food!!!!'

She silently cried on the inside.

She closed the fridge exhaustively, feeling the energy seeping out of her. And now gloom surrounded her entire self.

But then, a 'ding' sounded in her minded, it seems that our Julia is now online and can still somehow think rather clearly now.

'Oh yes, that, how could I forgot!'

She ran back to her bedroom and hurriedly grabbed her cellphone on the bedside table as if she was a hungry wolf.

Uhmm.. maybe she is?

She then opened the website where she just finished translating the entire book in one night.

She then checked her email if the money was already transferred.

'Yess! I'm a genius huh!'

She praised herself as she would usually do, quite a narcissist there, huh?

She then hopped happily inside her room thinking that she could already eat now that she has money.

She grabbed her purse with her credit card on and darted off the bank to deposit some money to buy herself food since she was starving already.

After depositing some cash, she went to a humble restaurant and satisfied herself with 5 plates of different dishes.

She ate joyously and celebrating inside her mind, seemingly oblivious to the weird stares of the waiters and waitress who served her.

"Ahhh, what a feast"

Licking the remaining sauce on her lips, Julia said while looking at the 5 plates she just finished without reserve.

If someone would see this scene, many would thought that some family starved this child for a whole week.

After eating her 'portion' of meal, Julia then stood up and left the restaurant.

She was standing by the side of the street thinking what she should do next when a woman wearing glasses bumped into her shoulder.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Julia hasn't even said a word when the woman apologized to Julia and ran as if she was in a hurry.

Julia was left speechless and glanced towards the woman who was running rather hastily.

She was about to continue her way when she noticed a wallet on the ground she picked it up and looked for an ID.

'What a careless woman.' She chased of the woman who bumped into her earlier as she dropped her wallet.

'What a bum, I don't want to get suspected as a robber okay?!' She thought to herself while running.

"And it's not good to run after eating! Ahhh, I'm going to have appendicitis!" She said it while panting.

She turned into an alley and stopped when she saw the woman enter a building. She looked at the building, nothing special but the signboard was what caught her eye.

'Ahh, so that's why the woman was quite familiar. It seems that running after her was a good choice.'

She said rather seriously while looking at the signboard. She didn't actually ran after the woman who bumped into her because she was afraid she would be suspected as a robber. It would have been made easier actually if she turned it over into the police station.

She then smirked into her usual signature and went towards the entrance of the building.