Act 2 : Wang Clan

I finally arrived in front of the massive door that leaded to the grand hall, after making sure of my expression I pushed the door open.


As I walked forward, I saw a dozen of people.

At my left were sitting all my uncles and male cousins.

And at my right were all my aunts and females cousins.

Finally in front of me my grandfather, the Patriarch was sitting on his chair.

As I took a glance around me, studying the face of everyone stealthily, I saw the slight expression of shock on the face of one of my cousins however he almost regained his normal expression instantly.

Apart from that, the females looked quite satisfied with my new look, I saw my younger cousins blushing and one of my aunt smiling at me.

I bowed and cupped my hands "Wei'er greet Grandfather." I said smiling.

"Good Wei'er, I see that you decided to change your look, it suit you well, especially that black dress of yours." Grandfather said warmly

I nodded then took place at the side of my uncle.

Honestly I always have been the favorite of Grandfather, it may be because of this that they schemed against me.

And with my parents both dead I have no one who can really protect me.


Grandfather's name is Wang Yutian, he have three sons and one daughter.

His first son, Wang Ling is the one my first uncle, he always treat me well and is quite just. He have a single daughter.

His second son, Wang Shuren is my second uncle, he have three sons and one daughter. He is very ambitious for his sons and his daughter, he is always reclaiming more cultivation ressources for his children and seeing that grandfather is favoring me, make him a little dissatisfied however it's not to the point where he have ill intentions toward me.

His third son is Wang Feng, my late father, I am not going to talk much about him as I don't know him that much.

And finally his only daughter Wang Yu, my only aunt by blood, she is 27 this year but still unmarried, however in the whole Wang family she is the one with the highest status !

She is considered as the treasure of our family and even of the whole village !

Why ? Because she is an heavenly sent genius in cultivation and she is an Elder in a prestigious sect of the main continent !

And it's of course she have a beauty that is said to be out of this world ! In fact she constantly wore a veil to hide her beauty, it is said that she does this to not inflict tentation on males around her.

That itself is an incredible feat !

The main continent is called Martial Continent, Martial Continent is at least several time bigger than Earth.

Floating Island is just a remote island near the main continent, you can tell that this place is insignificant.

The real deal is the Martial Continent... Who is divided in 5 province !

Yang Province !

Xia Province !

Dong Province !

Lin Province !

Pure Province !

And each of these province are controlled by... The Four Great Families !

Who are the Four Great Families ?

That is a name that shook everyone in fear and admiration !

The Four Great Families are the 4 Clan that rules the Martial Continent !

There are the strongest and the most prestigious clans in the world !

As for the Pure Province... no one know how to enter this mysterious area.

Grandfather sighed and looked at his sons "Shuren, Ling'er, do your kids have made progress in their cultivation lately ?"

Wang Ling looked at his father then looked at his daughter then nodded for her to speak.

Wang Wei looked at her direction to examine her.

She is a young woman of 16 years with fair skin and black hair, her eyes showed great determination.

She stood up, turned toward her grandfather, bowed and cupped her hands before saying "I have recently reached the peak of the 6th Tempered Body Realm, I estimate that I will breakthrough in some days." She said confident in herself.

The Patriarch, Wang Yuetian looked quite satisfied and nodded "Good Wang Ai ! I will wait for the good news then."

Wang Ai smiled, happy to receive the praise of her grandfather before sitting down, although not before sending a little glance at me.

I just smiled at her before she quickly looked away.

Wang Yuetian then looked at his second son, Wang Shuren, who looked at his sons and daughter and nodded.

His three sons stood up at the same time before cupping their hands.

"Wang Jian ! 5th Tempered Body !"

"Wang Hu ! 4th Tempered Body !"

"Wang Ning ! 7th Tempered Body !"

Wang Yuetian looked quite disappointed before his expression lightened at the last.

"Ning'er you broke through the 7th Tempered Body ? Not bad rascal ! I almost lost hope on you !" Yuetian said with joy

Wang Ning looked ecstatic while his brothers were disappointed.

I took a look at my second female cousin who is about to stand up,

She have long black hair that reached her bottom and magnificent cold cerulean blue eyes, her beauty is clearly first class !

As for her body, she have a nice pair of medium sized breast but she have wide hips with a beautiful rounded bottom.

If I have to make a comparison... then I can attest now that she is more beautiful than any girl I saw in my past life.

"Wang Yijun, 9th Tempered Body Realm." She said calmly before sitting down.


Wang Yuetian looked in shock at his granddaughter ! "9th Tempered Body Realm ! Are you telling the truth Yijun !"

Wang Yijun just nodded, her father Wang Shuren looked smugly at his brother Wang Ling.

"Hahahahahaha that mean that my Wang Clan has birthed another genius ! Good ! Good ! Good ! It seem a new treasure appeared in Floating City !" Wang Yuetian is currently in a cloud of happiness.

Who could have thought that after his daughter Wang Yu, another female will soar in his clan !

It's just too bad that one day Yijun would have to be married...

Wang Yuetian calmed himself and looked at me.

I stood up, smiled and said "Ah... It bring me so much joy that all my precious cousins made so much progress... unfortunately I only reached the peak of the 7th Tempered Body Realm." I said with a smile and a proud expression before falling in disappointment.

Everyone perked up at my statement, it seemed that my voice hold a magnetic power.

Grandfather didn't look the slightest disappointed in the contrary, he smiled at me and said "Don't worry Wei'er I think that you will easily breakthrough in the future, so don't sell yourself short, I expect great things for you." Yuetian encouragement made several people raise their eyebrow, It's the first time they heard their Patriarch talk so much about a junior.

Wang Ning gritted his teeth secretly in annoyance.

"Alright then... it's time for me to announce why I gathered you all today... Yu'er is coming back this week from her sect, she will rest here for at least 2 or 3 months at the end of her time here... She will take two of you to her sect to enter the sect !"


This statement brought everyone into shock !

For different reasons...

Firstly because the daughter of the Patriarch Wang Yu will come here ! It's a huge news ! After all Wang Yu is an Elder of a prestigious sect and it's been years and years since she last came back.

I saw lust in the eyes of my males cousins and looking at Wang Ai and Wang Yijun it seemed like they saw it too as they looked at them with slight disgust in their eyes.

However looking at my indifferent face they were a little taken aback.

It was well hidden but I saw longing in the eyes of my two uncles... it couldn't be that...?

I smiled slightly and raised my glasses upward with my major finger anime style.

"As such to decide who would be chosen... I will organize a small family contest here between all of you, the end decision will be given to Yu'er as to who will come."

"That's all you can leave."

Everyone stood up, battle intent was clear in the eyes of everyone of the younger generation.

We all walked toward our respectives chamber without talking to each other, it was a tense ambiance.

However it is comprehensible... Wang Yu is an Elder of the Supreme Spirit Palace !

A top tier sect of the continent !

"Alright now it's time to concentrate on cultivation" I said to myself as a reminder.

I have so much to do.