Act 4 : Smile of the Sun


It's already been 3 days that my grandfather gathered us to announce the big news, a lot happened in those 3 days. Firstly I already perfected my current cultivation base with the help of [ Nine Heavenly Tempered Body ], now I strengthened all my internal organs to the highest grade, as for my bones and blood, well I began to clean them first to root out all the impurities and then I strengthened them at the apex.

This process have completely changed my body, I feel that now, compared to before I am at least three to four times stronger. Also this made my potential soar and I feel close to breakthrough to the 8th Tempered Body Boundary.

During the 7th Tempered Body Boundary, you have to use to Qi around you to strengthen your muscle, with the help of [ Nine Heavenly Tempered Body ] not only I gained top tier muscles but with the purity of my blood, those muscle are only stronger !

I really feel excited knowing that I am currently building the foundation of my future, as such I am very diligent in my cultivation. However I didn't just cultivate during this time, I also documented myself about the world around me and how it works.

Maybe it's because we have the same appearance but I feel like Aizen and I are now sharing some common personality traits. As for some exemples, I have now a much bigger hunger for books, I feel the need to strengthen my knowledge in all departments, but not just that. I always feel a need of leading the people around me where I want to lead them, make them believe what I want them to believe.

It became a routine, I train in the early morning until the sunset then I would go to the library to read before going back to my room to sleep. From time to time I would tease and chat with Ling'er or my cousins but apart of that I did nothing more.

I stand up from my bed and walk toward my mirror to check on myself, looking at this seemingly innocent and scholarly facade, I can't help but admire how Aizen fooled everyone around him. Even now I can't believe that the current reflection I see now is the appearance of one of the strongest figure of Bleach.

An idea popped in my head, I suddenly removed my glasses and, after a time of hesitation, sliced back my hair with my hand. Looking up in the mirror I couldn't help but exclaim.

"Just how the fuck this shit is holding up ?!"

Unexpectedly my hair is now sliced back with the same wavy brown wisp of Aizen after removing his glasses !

What the fuck ?

I didn't even use hair gel ! That's 100% impossible, this defy the basic law of gravity !

However I have to admit that I looked hot as hell ! If with my regular appearance I looked handsome and charming then now I look fucking gorgeous ! The amount of charm I have in this form should be illegal, in fact I am sure that If I travel in the main continent like this, I will surely be attacked by fear that I tempt the various married woman there. It's useless to say that if I go looking for my cousins and aunts like this, the current quest would be completed with minimum effort.

I gazed at the mirror with my intimidating eyes and arrogant little smile, "What kind of arrogant, condescending thing I am going to say when my ennemies will be slashing me, only to discover that they are under my complete hypnosis...?"

Hum... Choice Choice...

Anyway it isn't the time to talk about it yet, however on another note, I have a little idea of what could be my future bankai... listen well, I think that Aizen's bankai is, somewhat, the ability to swap place with Hinamori Momo at any moment to take damage at his place.

Joke aside, I went back to my regular hairstyle with glasses before exiting my chamber.

I strolled, hands behind my back, around the corridor of the manor, looking for anything worth of entertaining me. I decided to pay one of my aunts a visit, with the objective of making some progress on the current quest of the system. I quickly walked toward the chamber of my first aunt, the wife of my 1st Uncle, Wang Ling.

From the vague memories I have, she is a gentle and motherly woman named Mo Xinyi, her family was poor and she met my uncle by a stroke of luck, my uncle immediately took interest in her and married her right away.

I knocked two times on the door, waiting for her permission to enter. "Enter." I heard a charming voice inside, the voice itself was enough to arouse any normal man. I grabbed the lock of the door and turned it to enter inside the personal chamber of Mo Xinyi.

Inside, I found the woman in question sitting in front of her desk with a traditional brush in her hand.

She is a beautiful woman of 30 years old, she have long wavy black hair tied in a high large ponytail, her skin tone is light and her features are delicates, she have a splendid pair of red-violet eyes that are distinctively slanted at an upward angle. One thing that added a lot of charm is her beauty spot just at the corner of her right eye. As for her body, it is quite curvy, her breast are very large and big while her hips are quite wide as for her butt, it was a little plump, not too fat but just enough to arouse any man in the earth, in overall she is a beautiful mature woman with a body that could break necks.

"I hope that I didn't disturbed you, Big Sister Xinyi." I said politely with a smile, seeing that it is me, Mo Xinyi smiled at me and responded immediately "Not at all Nephew Wei, please come."

[ Relation with Mo Xinyi +5 ]

Oh ? I didn't know the system have such use...

Well I guess calling her "Big Sister" instead of Aunt made her a little happy.

"That's great then, I only came to know where you think I can find my Uncle Ling." I said eyes smiling at her, she smiled back at the mention of her husband, "Unfortunately your Uncles are not present until next week."

"Oh... that's too bad..." I said, the reflection of my glasses hided the calculative light in my eyes. I turned my head toward what Mo Xianyi busied herself with before I came, and smiled in recognition. "Oya ? Big Sister Xianyi could it be that you were doing calligraphy ?" I said as I approached her, at the mention of her current hobby, Mo Xianyi's eyes widened a little bit and shone with a bright light.

"Indeed Nephew Wei ! Do you know a little bit ?" She asked, hopeful to find someone to talk about her passion.

[ Relationship with Mo Xianyi + 15 ]

"If I know a little bit ? Big Sister Xianyi your nephew have actually some skill in this art." I said with a smile then ignoring the confused and suspicious glance from her, I sat at her side and took the brush.

"Nephew Wei, are you sure you can do calligraphy ? It's not something cultivator are generally fond of..." She said gently, while she was a little impressed by his self-confidence, she felt that maybe he exaggerated a little bit, it was understandable as cultivator tended to ignore those superfluous domains that are not related to the Martial path.

"Ara... Let me show you directly if I have the skill." I said with small smile, Some red dust were on Mo Xianyi's cheeks, she was clearly a little embarrassed of what she said.

She didn't have the time to regain her composure that she went into complete paralysis due to shock, looking at the flawless hands movements of Wang Wei and his quick execution.

"A-Awesome..." She muttered, her mouth still a little agape, looking at Wang Wei who was manipulating the brush like a grandmaster made her flabbergasted !

"Ah... It's complete now." I said looking at my masterpiece, I turned to meet Mo Xianyi's eyes only to see that her expression was akin to pure admiration, it's logical after all, Aizen's prowess in calligraphy was something that was well know in the Soul Society, his calligraphy classes were extremely popular back then.

Seeing that Mo Xianyi couldn't talk, I talked to her first "You don't want to know what it means ?" I said with charming smile, Mo Xianyi looked still dumbstruck "N-Nephew Wei you can do calligraphy !" She said dumbly.

[ Relationship with Mo Xianyi +25 ]

"Haha Big Sister Xianyi you are really cute, even after I demonstrated some of my skill you are still suspicious about me... Ah... really it pain me..." I laughed quietly then said jokingly to tease her, she blushed a little bit and pouted "Mou ! You can't tease me like that Nephew Wei !" She said in a pout fashion, but then she added "Ah ! I am sorry for suspecting you... you took from your precious time to open the eyes of an old lady like me, I did nothing but being ungrateful... please forgive me..." She said honestly and with a sad expression, I stood up without replying her and walked toward the door.

Looking at my back, she felt even more saddened, and blamed herself even more. It's when I arrived in front of the door that I turned my head toward her. "I doubt you know this language so I will translate it for you, I wrote..."

Look at the beauty in her eyes.

a glow that shines like the sunrise.

Her smile open up the cloudy skies

Her laughter delight butterflies

Whether she is twenty or sixty

She always keep her beauty

Her beautiful name is Mo Xianyi



Mo Xianyi's mouth kept opening and closing, her head was completely blank and her heart was racing at such tempo that she was near death.

"So... Big Sister Xianyi, you should not consider yourself as an old lady, in fact my dream is to marry a woman just like you. Just keep smiling and brightening our day like you always do unconsciously. When I think about it, even though we are from the same family, We don't really know each other but I think we shared an excellent moment tonight, as such I hope to see you soon to know you better." I said then I pulled out the most charming and beautiful smile I could pull out, the "Smile of the Sun" I call it, I exited the chamber, leaving a Mo Xianyi that was on the verge of passing out.

And just like I thought...

[ Relationship with Mo Xianyi +30 ]

Hum... can I see the overall relationship ? And a sort of explanation on how it works ?

[ Ding! Relationship evolve with the interaction you have with people around you, It work like this ]

0-10 = Indifferent

10-30 = Acquaintance

30-60 = Friend

60-80 = Brotherhood / Attraction (Lust)

80-100 = Love

Hm... That's good, my understanding of the relationship system is now more complete.

How much is my relationship with Mo Xianyi ?

[ Ding! Current relationship with Mo Xianyi : 90 (She have feelings of love toward you, if you ask her at this moment to have sexual intercourse with you, she will most likely agree.) ]

Well... I guess it wasn't that hard... I have to accelerate my plans and take advantage of my uncles not being there to completely seduce my aunts. Tomorrow I will go looking for my second aunt, Du Yuhan.

[ Ah shit... Here we again. ]