Chapter 1 - Some Like the Blue Balls

~ Lucien ~




Fortunately, for my appetite, a knock on my thick door sounded. It was a welcomed interruption. A perfect alibi. I certainly prefer my Head Chancellor biting me in the ass and enumerating my long line of duties as King than being ridden by a curly blonde with breasts as big as a plate.

In the chaise lounge of my study room, she had pleasured me for already half an hour and I...





Don't get me wrong. I'm straight. I enjoy my mistresses - all fifteen of them. Or twenty? Hell, I don't even know since my Council gathered them, not me - but shit, not one was able to satisfy me.

Her moans were loud in my ears - noisy even - and she kept doing this donkey-like sound with her nose while she rocked her hips up and down on my still hard-as-f*ck shaft.

It was annoying. Very annoying.

So you can already say I was more than happy to hear someone behind my door.

"Get out, " I ordered at the woman. Hmmm, what was her name again? Ah, yes, Maria. But Maria my ass. She doesn't even look one bit a virgin saint. Her curls were off the charts, her make-up chapped, and she wore too many jewelries. I don't even know why I admitted her in my study room.

But wait, did I really? As far as I remember, she sneaked in and tossed herself in front of me. Literally.

But I guess I'm too damn insensitive to even care. These women are just toys for me. A good way of passing my time until my next travel.

"Oh nooo, " Maria wheezed when I sat up and pushed her to the side. Her legs unceremoniously threw itself in the air, giving me a good view of her wet core, but I peeled my eyes away from it.

"I said: OUT. NOW."

The knocking continued.

"But, Your Highness, " she gave me a pleading look and then crawled back on top me, "I'm still soaked. I'm not yet-"

"Then go pleasure yourself!" I yelled, scowling at her. "Dammit, woman, can't you see I'm not in the mood?"

She looked deflated instantly and then, with twisted lips, she left the chaise lounge and gathered her clothes from the floor; fine clothes that I didn't even tore out of her. She undressed herself in front of me, just like what my other mistresses would do.

The door was thrown wide open by her. She stepped outside, hitting shoulders with a very surprised Sir Gulliard. I didn't miss his eyes when it roamed down on her exposed buttocks.

"Another one Sire? You'll be running out of women if you don't give them the loving they deserve, " he remarked, completely unruffled by the fact that a naked woman - a daughter of a High Priest even - just passed him by.

"Tsk." I cringed at his words. Hmf, like I care. "What do you want now Gulliard?"

"A moment of your time, Your Highness, " he answered, trying his best not to look at my still erect cock that I hadn't even bothered to cover. "Two soldiers on patrol along the forbidden fields arrested a woman. They are waiting in the throne hall for your deliberation."

"Tshhh, don't bore me too, " I complained as I stood and pulled my zipper up. The feel of my tight pants tormented me, but guess I'll have to attend to this later. On my own. "As it sounds, this is just a very simple problem you can manage. Deliberate it yourself." I took my leather military jacket from the headboard and donned it, covering my flexing torso.

Gulliard bent his head and made a gruff sound.

"With all due respect, Sire, I can't because I do not understand the woman's language. And she seems...foreign judging by her clothes."

I arched a brow.


That peaked my curiosity. Pictures of a distant place flashed in my head. It was unintentional but I instantly connected the word foreign to it.

No, it can't be.

But I'll just have to see if for myself before I conclude that.

"Take me to her, " was my order after careful thought.

"Yes, Sire."


~ Nicolette ~

"WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!" I yelled on top of my lungs to the two intimidating cosplay men towering above me. I had sat helplessly on the carpeted floor for what seemed like hours yet they still gave me the silent treatment.

Normally, in this situation, one would cry. I am not crying though, no, but I do feel my voice hoarse from thrashing and shouting at my captors. They had dragged me all the way from the field I had inexplicably appeared, made me ride at the back of an animal that looked like a cross between an elephant and a gorilla, and hauled me up with chains on my wrist to a long, winding staircase into this very hall I am in now.

I had just come into terms with my situation for the past few minutes. I'm not much of a genius but there are three points I'd say that probably sums up to what just happened.

First, the ancient mirror I brought with me from Malta had some kind of powers I am yet to understand. I mean, I know about cursed Egyptian objects, voodoo dolls and witchcraft tools, but this one. This one was above my IQ and level of reasoning.

Just think.

How could a perfectly healthy woman, standing in her perfectly normal apartment get suddenly transported to an unknown place with just a touch of a mirror? How twisted was that?

I thought it only happens in the movies but it's happening to me now. What the heck?

Second, I was transported to a place that totally contradicted my knowledge about Science and History. While I rode at the back of the surprisingly tamed creature, I was able to examine the place. At first, the path we traversed in was dark. The sky lacked stars and there was no moon visible. The atmosphere was heavy and the surroundings had a smell of sulfur and rotten garbage combined.

But after a few minutes of riding, the whole area changed.

Gone was the god-awful smell. The air was lighter and more pleasing to the nose. Like ocean and jasmine mixed. The land looked the same as any common ground, but the water and the sky. Now, that's another story. We passed by what looked like a lake and I tell you, the water had a silvery, glowy appearance to it. The sky, not only was it bathed in blue stars, but also filled with Aurora Borealis you only occasionally see in the North and South poles.

This one though was way better.

The plants were green, the same as Earth, yet it still has a silvery quality to it. The trunk, the grass, the stones. Everything. I was beginning to suspect that the ground surface might have some strong silver component to it. It was truly unusual.

And as for History? I mean, I'm an archaeologist. I study the past and so far, in my extensive collection of books and writings (and my experience) I haven't come across or even read a book that mentioned this kind of place.

Which what leads me to my third point: the language. I am in a place where they don't even understand English and me, vice versa to them.

I can't even understand one word they were saying but I still kept on demanding them to let me go.

"Let me go!" I yelled at my captors again and glared at them. One man probably was done with my yelling for his head snapped at me.

"Duskime!" he said. "Su Anti porti kuloamn ano naite duskime!"

Yep. I am clueless just as you are. Even if I gouge my eyes out, I won't be able to know what he said.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I clenched my teeth, feeling stupid.

And guess what, the man looked at me like he was confirming how stupid I really am.

Oh the irony.

"Please, I can't... I can't stay here!"

I assessed the hall I was in for the second time.

Tall arched roof, thick pillars, stained glass windows, mirror walls, humongous chandeliers, floating yellow glows that I thought only Groot from the Guardians of the Galaxy could do, and an elaborate throne high up my front probably for their King to sit.

That was enough to tell me they were waiting for someone - their King maybe - to address my, uhm, situation.

"Duskime!" (Silence!) Once again, the man replied, glaring at me, and then returning to his original stony position.

This time, my sanity snapped. With a huff, I decided to finally act on my crazy plan, no matter how dangerous the result may be.

I stood up and sprinted away from them.

It was a do or die situation. I don't think I have a better chance of leaving much less surviving if I waited for their King to interrogate me. I assume he doesn't speak English too so he'd probably lock me up or worse have my head cut off no matter how hard I try to explain.

"Tselof!" (Stop!) Both of them shouted from behind me and then followed by their armors clanking and boots hitting the floor.

I sprinted even more, not wanting to be caught.

My target was the arched double doors. If luck sided me, I might not encounter any soldiers outside and escape straight ahead to wherever my feet could bring me that was safe and sound. But just as I was halfway into the portal, the heavy wood swung open showing another armor-clad man.

There goes my luck.

"Tselof!" (Stop!) I heard him shout.

Frantically, I steered myself to the right, away from him and away from the two soldiers chasing me. It was the wrong decision though.

My heart, if it was even possible, felt like it jumped out of my mouth when I clashed against one of the mirror walls.


Pain shot through my head and spine. I swore I blacked out right then.

But you know what was surprising?

The next thing I knew, I was back in my apartment sprawled in front of the harmless looking ancient mirror. Panting. With rounded eyes. And with the chain on my wrist dissolving into thin air.

"What the..."

I blinked, unable to believe what just happened.

"Oh God... A dream. It's just a...weird dream..." I assured myself with trembling breaths.

Yeah right, I'll keep telling myself that.


~ Lucein ~

I tapped my finger against the armrest of my iron throne, feeling positively impatient and thoroughly disappointed.

"Where is the woman you talk about?" I didn't really need to ask that. Their sorry faces out of their helmets were enough to tell me they screwed up.

But I wonder how? My soldiers are the best there is in all five kingdoms. A measly woman can't possibly outsmart them and escape.

"Your Highness, she was just here. She..." One of the soldiers spoke, but he quickly stopped when he saw my eyes turn to slits.

"She...she just disappeared Your Highness, " another soldier continued, boldly speaking his side out.

I sighed and raised my hand to stop him. They immediately lowered their heads and knelt on one knee with their right hand pressed against the left side of their chest.

"We are truly sorry, Your Highness. We are unfit for duty. Do as you wish with our lives, " they chorused together with no hint of fear at all.

Anyone who knew me knew about my cruelty on people who doesn't live up to my standard. Death is always my course of action, but on this occasion, I decided to give them a second chance. It is just an insignificant woman after all. I won't waste my men on her.

I stood up and sneered at them. "Don't waste my time ever again."

"Ye-yes Your Highness! Thank you Your Highness!" their grateful voices echoed through my ears as I exited the back of my throne.