The hills of Grendarra was quiet and windy. Seems normal to humans who does not poses mana, but to the ones who poses mana detector, they can feel and even smell the reek of demon's presences. Hence, those two Demon Hunter from the Monastery of Light came to the hill to slay demons which was repeatedly reported by the locals that the demons had been attacking severals villages.
Granger: This place reeks of demons it disgust me.
Alucard: I am very sorry to have to tagged along, Gran but I need you as a backup.
Granger: Tsk. whatever. Lets get this done.
Granger and Alucard resumed their climb to discover a cave near the hills' waterfall. Just before they decide to enter the cave, Granger felt a strange presence coming from the inside of the cave. A presence that he recognize from his past. Suddenly he felt a sudden flash of an image in his head. It was an instant flash so he didn't managed to get a good view of the image.
Alucard who was one metre away from him, was shock to see Granger have unpleasant face on him. He approached Granger and asked him what happen.
Alucard:Hey hey, what's wrong? I've never seen you acting like this before.
Granger:I'm... I am fine
Granger straighten his body and assured Alucard that he's doing fine. Of course Alucard can see the lie that Granger just utter from his mouth but he decided not to burden his partner with another question. As they proceed entering the suspicious cave, Granger once again felt another familiar presence. Which is not the presence of Aria but someone's else.
10 minutes passed after they entered and explored the caves but they haven't found a thing nor demon's trace at all. Despite the fact that they haven't found demons, they still can sense demon's mana and smell. As they walked deeper into the caves, the demon's presences were getting stronger too.
Upon reaching the end of the cave, they were suprised with a dozen of demons crouching and eating something that the two young men never imagined before. Hairs. Yes hair. The demon was consuming the hair that grew rapidly from a young girl who had her hands and legs sealed on one of the cave's pillar.
Alucard: What the hell is that?!
They were so shocked to what that they just discover quickly hide themself behind a tall and big rock. They cannot believe what they just seen. Alucard was dumbfounded to see a woman being held captive but haven't been hurt from the demon. Not to mention the demons strange behavior of eating her hair was quite a suprise to them too.
Alucard: Those demons are consuming her hair?! Why are they eating the hair instead of her? I've never seen demons eating their prey hair.
As Granger tried to think what was happening, suddenly he heard a voice weeping for help. Once again the light pain on his head came and causes him to have a headache. Alucard notices it and was concerned about Granger's strange behavior of that day.
Alucard: Bro, are you okay?
Granger: I kinda heard someone... Someone is telepathing me.
Alucard: Telepathy. (Only the guy from Merdelf bloodline were able to use telepathy in this land of dawn)
Alucard: What did she say?
As Granger tried to focus what the voice just said, an image of the woman on the pillar merge into his mind. In one moment he could see himself standing infront of the woman. Both of them were shirtless and their surrounding was nothing but white. Granger looked at the woman and realized that her hair seems like to disintegrates. The woman looked back with a sad expression carved on her face.
Granger: I saw an image of her. I feel like our souls are connected and I saw her... Disintegrating...
Alucard's pupils grew larger when he heard what Granger just said.
Alucard: This is bad!!
Without realizing their surrounding he accidentally gave out a loud scream.
Alucard: At this rate they're going eat her life force if they continue eating her hair.
Granger pulled out his guns and almost pulled the trigger to shot Alucard because he just screamed at his ear as if he cannot hear what Alucard was saying.
A loud growl echoes in the caves. They're exposed because of Alucard's loud scream just now. Now, all of the demons turned their head from the hair to the two demon hunters.
Granger and Alucard already in a 'Ready to Attack' state. They couragely came out from their hiding spot. Alucard already draw out his big sword from his back while Granger hold tightly his guitar case and his gun.
Demon: KILL THEM!!
As the demon charge towards the demon hunters. Granger activated his blink skill to dodge the demon's attack. With the strength of his leg, he jumped high to the air and aim his guns to the demons.
Each bullets hits the demon's head and spurt out black liquids from the holes of the bullet. Some of the splatters splat on Granger's face. His face was disgusted with it.
Alucard swing his sword towards the raging demons. Just with one swing he managed to slew the remaining demons. The smirk on his face indicates how easy was the fight for him. The blood stain on his swords slowly evaporates. In a minute, his sword became seamlessly clean again. He seath his sword and put it on his back.
Granger who was walking toward his partner heard cracks from the clay that hold the girl's hand. After several cracks, the clay finally breaks and set the girl free from the pillar. Just before Alucard able to act, Granger already a second faster. He jumped toward the falling girl.
The girl remains unconcious as she fall into Granger's hand. Without giving any thoughts, Granger unzipped his long turtle neck coat, removed the spikes on the shoulder and then warpped the girl gently.
As for Alucard, he was stunned with Granger's action. Usually it was Alucard who attend to the victim especially women. To see his partner acting like that, he's amazed.
Granger carried the girl with bridal style and refuse to see Alucard's reaction. Yes, he's quite surprise with his action too but he didn't want to show it infront of this blue guy. His scarlet eye fell onto the pale girl. The girl reminded him of his late mentor's daughter who was gone missing seven years ago.
Alucard: You know I can wrap her properly with my coat right?
Alucard's words seemed to be teasing Granger's action. Graer frown and reply to him
Granger: You say that again and I'm going to rip you apart.
Alucard: Hey, Granger. Why do I feel like this girl seem familiar with us?
As they exited the eerie and dark cave, Alucard felt uneasy on his chest as they finally can see clearly the girl's face. She was covered with dirt and her skin was so pale, it looks like she haven't exposed to sun for years. Not to mention that her long hair that was being fed by the demon were black and wavy too. Alucard helped Granger holding her overgrown hair and his gun and canon guitar case. Granger also felt the same. Then he heard something came out from her tender lips.
The tone of the voice really resembles the girl who went missing 12 years ago. Granger remember something. He stopped walking. Alucard also stopped walking to see what Granger's up too.
Granger knelt down and quickly caressed the girl hair to find something that will answer to his curiosity. As he stroke the hair from the girl's nape, his pupil went small. Alucard was wondering to see Granger suddenly froze when he saw something on the girl's nape. He move closer to see what was it and got the same reaction as Granger too.
A perfect crescent moon on her nape. A symbol from an Old Family. The Merdelves who was known to be an old family that had been blessed with light attributes since the Golden Time from the Lord of Light. The aren't typical noble houses like the Paxley nor the Baroque. They're the family that are free from any affiliation.
Granger's hand was shaking. Alucard can feel cold sweat running on his forhead. Their late mentor's missing daughter was alive all along. Never had they imagined that a person that had been missing for more than 10 years are still alive and survive from demon threats.
Granger was trying his best to remember her name. What was it? Then an image of a small girl holding a red rose with a pink dress looks at him and smile. The smile that shined that day became vivid and real.
"Hello, I am..."
Granger: Reichieru Ambersium Merdelf.