Chapter 1

KTH, that's the fashion label I work for. We're headquartered in Seoul, running multiple brands to accommodate various target markets. It's a major company.

" No way! It's already this late?! " I compare my watch to the time on the huge display in the airport lobby.

Of all times... the trains stop... TODAY! Why do I have such bad luck all the time?

I am Go Eun-Byul. Age 22. It's my 2nd year working in this company and my first day as secretary to our CEO, who's returning from Los Angeles today.

Even though CEO is young, he made quite a name for himself. He is none other than Mr. Kim Taehyung.

I've got to get to his arrival gate as soon as possible.

I started hurry towards the gate, when suddenly I notice a man running right at me. * slam * I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as I try to process what happened, when I feel my bag being yanked from my arm. That man takes my bag and disappears into the crowd.

What should I do? All the materials for today's meeting are in there! Not to mention my wallet.

Just as I was about to shout for help. A man wearing a suit blocks the thief's path and pulls both of his hands behind his back, like a police arrest. I ran over to them.

" How about you give that back? " the man pulled the arms back and the thief groaned in pain. He threw my bag before violently releasing himself from the man's grip, and bolts from the scene.

I picked up the bag and breathe a sigh of relief. Thank god that man helped. Oh! I should thank him.

I turned towards the man who helped me and froze when I saw who it is. He is Kim Taehyung. My boss. " Sorry, I didn't recognize you immediately, Mr. Kim " I bowed my head.

He gave me a bright smile in response, " its okay. I can understand that I did change in last few months "

He did change. He matured a bit and his face became more handsome than last time I saw him. I nodded my head and thank him.

" Let me introduce myself. My name is Go Eun Byul. I will be your personal assistant starting from today. I am very pleased to meet you " I gave him a smile and he smiles warmly.

That was how I met my boss 2 years ago and now my life is different from what I expected to be.


I hurried inside the building while glancing at my watch now and then, Mr. Kim may be the kind person, but he won't tolerate mistakes. You can understand how strict he is if you saw him firing someone from the company for their mistake.

Even though he is like that, I admire him. You may ask why? Well... he is talented and you could say perfect. Just as the elevator door closes, I went inside.

" Good morning, Eun Byul " I heard my co-worker, Min Hyuk greeted me. He is young team manager of our company.

" Good morning, Mr. Lee " I smiled and the elevator stopped at my floor. We left together as we talked for a while.

" Ms. Go " I jumped a little when I heard Mr. Kim's voice behind me, " if you are done talking, I would like to see you in my office " he turned around and left the room.

Did I do something wrong? I tilted my head in confusion before following him to his office.

" Tell me about my schedule " He walked to his chair and sat in it.

" You have a meeting with clients on 11 A.M. lunch at 1 with Mr. Wu and there is a photo shoot for the new winter clothing " I closed the notebook and waited for him to say something.

" Tell the fashion department to be in meeting hall in 10 minutes " I bowed my head and he stood up to walk out. He suddenly stopped before me and turned to me, " what kind of shampoo did you use? It smells different "

Before I can realize what happened, he took a lock of my hair and kissed it. My breath hitched at the close proximity. " What are you doing Mr. Kim? If someone sees this, they might misunderstand " I took a step back from him.

What is he even doing?! I don't think my heart can take it.

" We wouldn't want that, right? Tell everyone to be there in 10 minutes " He left the room leaving me all hot and red. I fanned myself to cool down.

I walked to the fashion department and everything is in chaos. The staffs are running here to there carrying the items, designs, materials. I knocked on the door loudly to grab their attention, " Mr. Kim wanted all of you to be in meeting hall in 5 minutes "

" Meeting?! What is he going to change now? " Jun, the fashion department head groaned. All I can do is shrug. Everyone hurriedly left before they made him mad and I went back to my chair.

" Whoa~ I still can't understand how you put up with him " my friend, Ji young came to my desk with a cup of coffee for me.

" It's not that hard to understand him. All you have to do is observe his actions " I don't understand why others think of him as arrogant. He even had a nickname. Devil prince because he is handsome like prince and acts like a devil.

" You can only say that. So... how is your mom doing? Is she still trying to set you up? " Ji Young sat before me. I sighed.

" You already know my mom. I am only 24. Why can't she understand that I hate blind dates? I have another date this weekend " I groaned thinking about the guys I met in the past dates.

" Hang in there. I have to get back to work. Bye " She stood up and walked towards her seat. I was looking through the files and didn't realise the time.

The buzz sound from the Mr. Kim's office brought me back. I picked up the files and walked into his room, " Here are the files related to the meeting. I already reserved the table for the lunch. I informed them the details. Do you need anything else? "

" Are you free tomorrow night? " he leaned forward and rested his chin on his hands while looking at me with those intriguing eyes.

" Tomorrow night..? I don't have any plans... " I am confused.

He suddenly grinned, " Then, be my plus one to a party. All you have to do is be ready at 6 "

" Huh? But, I don't have anything special for the party. Why should I be your plus one, Mr. Kim? " I looked straight into his eyes. He stood up and walked towards me. He stood in front of me and looked me from up and down.

" Taehyung. Call me Taehyung when we are alone and about the dress, let's pick something tomorrow morning " He smiled when I nodded my head. Why is he acting weird these days?

In confusion, I returned back to my seat. What is going on with him these days? Did he perhaps like someone?

It's not time for this. I shook my head vigorously and went back to the files.


" Ha... nothing beats the hot shower after work " I just finished bathing and was about to go to bed when my phone started ringing.

Who is calling me at 10 PM? I took my phone in my hands and saw Mr. Kim's name on the screen. What does he want this late?

Phone conversation

Me: Mr. Kim, what is it?

Mr. Kim: Taehyung. Eun Byul, do you think you can bring the contract we are going to have with the US brand? I want to have a look.

Me: um... sure. I will be there in 30 minutes, Mr. Kim- I mean, Taehyung.

Taehyung: see you later, Eun Byul.


Man... Sometimes I want to quit this job

" Time to get ready " I walked over to the closet and pulled out a white shirt with blue jeans, " It won't be a big deal since it's not my working hours, right? "

I threw them on and grabbed the files and drove to his house. This is my first time to his house at night times. I came here so many times on the day times.

I pressed the button and the door was opened by Taehyung. His eyes racked along my body making me squirm under his gaze, " Its first time seeing you out of work clothes. They do suit you "

I blushed and went inside. I have seen him in clothes other than suit, but it's my first time seeing him in comfortable clothes.

He is wearing similar to me except loose pants and white T-shirt. They make him look younger than he already is.

" Tae... who is it? " I heard a girl's voice and turned my head to the stairs. On the top of the stairs is his sister, Yeon Ji, " Eun Byul, it's nice to see you again " she walked down and pulled me into a hug.

" It's nice to see you, Ms. Kim " I returned the hug, " Mr. Kim, here is the contract " I gave him the file and sat in the seat before him.

" You are working at home now? On the top of it, you made Eun Byul work this late. I thought you called her over casually or something " His sister rolled her eyes before going back upstairs.

Yeon Ji is an artist. She stays at Taehyung's house when she is in Seoul. She lives in France with her boyfriend.

After 30 minutes, Taehyung finished going through the files, " Then, I will be going now " I was about to go home, but he held my hand.

" It's late. Stay here for tonight " my skin tingled where he touched me. I tried to keep my mind off it.

" What about work? " I looked at him puzzled.

" No. We are finding a dress for you " I am glad that there is no work.

I suddenly realize that he still held my hand. My eyes moved to our hands and he let go of me, " sorry. I don't realize. Come, I will show you the room "

I saw his face turn red. He is blushing.