Chapter 3

~ Eun Byul P.O.V ~

I just completed showering and went to the window, " what is he still doing here? " I peeked out to see Mr. Kim still in his car. I looked at the clock. 11:00

" How long is he waiting like that? " I grabbed my shawl and walked out. He is still sitting in the car looking at the light in my room.


I knocked on the front glass of the car and he startled.

" What are you still doing here, Mr. Kim? " I glared at him while tapping my foot impatiently. He stepped out of the car and stepped towards me.

" I want to talk to you. Can we go inside? " he looked at the road and I thought for a while before bringing him into my house.

" Sorry if you are uncomfortable " I handed him a glass of water and sat in the seat before him, " what is it you want to talk about, Mr. Kim? "

" I want to clear the misunderstanding due to Chae young- "

" What misunderstanding, Mr. Kim? I don't see anything wrong. I am well aware that you are my boss. What is there to misunderstand? " I never know that I can be this cold.

" Then why did you leave the party? I asked you to be my plus one " he looked at me.

I looked back at him without any change, " I did until someone worthy came "

" Chae young is nothing to me. I don't like her " he stood up angrily.

I am not going to back down now, " the actions showed otherwise. I think you should go back " I stood up and looked at him.

" Are you... jealous? " for some reason, his words made me stiff.

" No! " I denied immediately, " You are talking nonsense "

" Am I? " he took a step toward making me take a step backward simultaneously, " so, tell me Eun Byul. Do you like me? " he leaned in.

" W-what a-are you talking about, Mr. Kim? I don't like you " lie. I turned my face away from him and took a step back.

" Then why do I feel like you are lying to me? " his grip on my chin is gentle yet firm as he looked into my eyes. Why is my heart beating so fast?

" I- " I don't know what to say. I am being plunged into depths of his eyes. He held my hand and placed it on his chest right above the heart.

" Do you feel it? It happens every time I am near you " I can feel it. It is similar to my heart beat " how long does it take for you to realize that I love you? "

He loves me? Huh?

" Do you like me, Eun Byul? " he whispered as he came closer. Is he going to kiss me?

I can feel his breath on my face. If we move just a little, our lips will touch.

Just a little more. Clo-

" Eun Byul... whose car is it in front of our house? " I heard the door open and pushed Taehyung away from me. He tumbled down and groaned in pain.

" It's not time to whine. Stop being a cry baby " I whispered before pulling him to the couch, " just act normally "

I saw my cousin enter inside before stopping, " who is he? " she pointed to Taehyung.

" Eonnie, this is my boss, Kim Taehyung. Mr. Kim, this is my cousin, Lee Sun Hee " I glared at Mr. Kim to play along, " he just came to get some files "

" Can't he wait till morning? Coming to a girl's house at night 11:15, what does he think he is doing? " she glared at him.

" He was going away in the early morning. I will be back " I went into my room and grabbed some files.

When I came back, they are sitting opposite each other with Sun Hee glaring at Mr. Kim.

" Here are the files " he nodded his head briefly standing up, " I am taking leave. Good night Ms. Go "

I turned to Sun Hee glaring, " what are you doing here? "

She shrugged her " I heard you have blind date tomorrow. Aunt sent me to make sure you went for it unlike last time "

Blind date! How can I forget it? Just then I heard the door slam. Don't tell me... he didn't go? So, he heard it

I turned around to see Sun Hee grinning, " You did it on purpose don't you? What are you trying to do? "

" It's nothing. I just accelerated things? You like him, right? I know he likes you too " my cheeks started to burn as I remembered what happened a while ago.

" I don't know what you are talking about " I can hear her laughing as I went into my room.


He said he loves me, but he didn't even message me about this blind date thing. Is he playing with me?

I was in the cafe waiting for the guy to appear so I can get this done quickly. Is he even coming? He is already 10 minutes late.

" Are you Go Eun Byul? " I looked up from my phone and saw a man in his 20's looking at me.

I quickly stood up and shook hands with him, " yes, I am "

" It's nice meeting you. I am Baek Sung Jae. I heard a lot from your mother " he sat before me. He is handsome and polite. He knows my mother?

" How do you know my mother? I don't really hear about you " even if my mom told me, I wouldn't listen.

" I am her friend's son. Actually, I asked her to arrange a meeting with you " he gave me a shy smile.

" Why would you do that? " I am not trying to offend him, but I am.

I bring the cup to my lips and chocked when he said " because I like you "

I grabbed the tissue and dabbed my lips, " I think I heard you wrong. Can you say again? "

He gave me a chuckle, " you didn't hear me wrong. I really like you "

Suddenly aware of the situation, I started fudging with the table cloth, " um.. Sung jae-ssi, I am happy that you like me, but I am sorry-- "

Before I can finish the sentence, someone grabbed my arm, " Mr. Kim... " He didn't look at me and dragged me out of the cafe, " Let me go "

He pushed me into the car and drove off. The car ride is so awkward. He is so angry that I sat silently.

We pulled up in front of his house and he opened the car door for me.

" What are we doing here, Mr. Kim? " I looked at him for the answer, but all I get in return is silence.

He harshly pushed me on his couch, " ouch! What the hell, Mr. Kim? "

" It's Taehyung. I always listen to you. Now, listen to me " I closed my mouth since he sound so scary " good girl. I mean it when I said I love you. I never really cared about girls, but the moment I saw you, I know you are different "

It's really nice to hear him say all these.

" You worked hard to keep up with me. You never really complained. You gave me ideas when I am out of it. I wanted to do so many things to you. I wanted to kill any man who was near you. I know they are only helping, but I can't help it. I -- " I cut him off by hugging him.

" Thank you. You don't know how long I waited to hear that. I love you too " he wrapped his hands around and held me like I am going to disappear any moment.

He pulled away smiling, " so, you do like me... " I saw him smirk.

" Are you-- " he cut me off with a kiss. Oh god, please tell me I am not dreaming. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, moving closer as his hands snaked around my waist.

He turned us over and now I am straddling him. He cupped my face kissing me deeper.

Is it me or did the room suddenly became hot?

He bit my lower lip asking for permission which I granted happily. He stood up holding my hips tightly while moving upstairs.

He pushed the door open with his leg and locked the door behind him never stop kissing me.

I was thrown on the bed gently as he towered me, " I don't like seeing you with other guys. You belong to me. Only mine " he looked so sexy when he growled lowly.

" Only yours " I pulled him by his tie and kissed him on the lips. In fraction of seconds, everything about him changed. He started kissing me hungrily.