Suga pulled the car to a stop, cracking his neck to the side as he stared at the stout man ahead of him.
His victim.
Without much glance at the dossier that was haphazardly tossed on the passenger seat, he grabbed his suitcase and adjusted his sunglasses. He went out of the car and calmly walked towards the hotel where he parked his car.
He did not need to read or to even bring the dossier. He already scanned it once, and it was enough for him to know and understand what he had to do. It was also enough for him to memorize every name and face in there.
Well, what's the use of his photographic memory if he would not take advantage of it, right?
He entered the hotel and flashed a flirty smile at the female receptionist. The receptionist flushed and smiled back at him.
"What can I help you, sir?" the girl spoke sweetly.
"I have a reservation. My name's Park Jinhoo, by the way," Suga said, remembering clearly the fake name he was currently using.
The receptionist nodded and checked the computer, before handing him the card to his room and a small paper. He thanked the receptionist then went on his way, checking his watch as he did so. Looks like it took two minutes to get his room card and to flirt with the receptionist. He still had thirteen minutes to go. Perfect.
Upon arriving in the room, he threw his suitcase unto the bed and took off his jacket. He looked at his watch again, three minutes had gone by. He still had to wait for a minute more. As he waited, he took a curious glance at the small paper that the receptionist handed him.
He snorted. Well, of course, she would give him her number. It always happened.
After seconds of waiting, he finally stood up from his sitting position and went out of the room, leaving all his things except for his wallet and a small backpack. He didn't need much things anyway since he already had a .38 Special S&W 642 revolver hidden inside the special compartment of his shoes, a special watch exclusive for the agents of AC like him, and all other high-tech disguised gadgets that he would need.
With a slightly fast pace, still belonging to what people might assume as normal walking, he took the elevator and went to the cafe of the hotel. The café looked pretty fancy, but there's no time to think about things like that. He ordered a simple coffee-and-pancake and chose a table near the window, a perfect booth to observe his target discreetly.
As he sat and waited for his order, he looked over the convenience store that was just across the hotel. His victim's routine was to head to that convenience store every 8 am in the morning and buy random things. It was not written in the dossier but Suga was more than sure that Mr. Shin, his subject for this mission, had a crush on the cashier of the store for him to stay loitering about inside the convenience store unnecessarily in the mornings despite the fact that he was very rich and didn't have to go to a convenience store every morning.
Suga had been on this job for so long that reading through people had become a normal thing. It's pretty scary if you really think about it.
Being too smart was pretty scary.
Suga was yawning when his food finally arrived. As usual, he flashed a flirty smile at the waitress as he uttered his thanks, in which the poor waitress blushed furiously. He took a small slice of the pancake, bringing the fork to his mouth leisurely and slowly. As he chewed, he took a drink from his coffee. Mmm, not bad.
He glanced at his watch again.
Seven minutes had passed ever since he arrived in the hotel.
Taking another sip from his cup of hot coffee, he stood up and walked towards the rest room. He needed to do all this fuss in order to create a clean and cool alibi. It's not that he'd get caught, he's just the type to leave everything clean and in order, not in mess. He's the Suga, after all.
The moment he was already inside the restroom, he locked the door with a click. There was another restroom nearby so if someone needed to attend to the call of nature, they could just head there instead. Not a problem.
Suga took off his shirt and fished another one from his backpack that had a more girlish design. He also dug out a skirt, removed his jeans and wore it. The last piece of his disguise was a black wig that framed his face in a way that his face would be slightly covered. And as a finishing touch, he put on a light make up. Ugh, he really hated wearing this shitty female disguises.
After his look was done, he went around looking for the vent. He already memorized the whole blueprint of this building, having seen it once this morning already. He knew very well that the vent here was connected to the one located at the Second Floor landing of the Fire Exit.
Tsk, no problem with the security cams in the Fire Exit because Suga had already tampered with them. It's about fifteen minutes before the technicians could fix them, but that's not a big deal since Suga would already be finished by that time.
Looking up at the vent, Suga took off his silver bracelet, and then he placed his thumb over his watch to activate its AC Mode. A holographic screen appeared with complicated menus and cryptic words, floating over the watch. He chose the screwdriver option, and a beat after, his silver bracelet transformed into a screwdriver. Using it to unscrew the vent window, Suga climbed inside with practiced ease.
He only had six minutes left.
He reached the Second Floor landing in no time. The backpack he was bringing can be turned into a sling bag with a little adjustment. He couldn't bring the same bag that Park Jihoo had been bringing or his cover would awfully crumble into pieces. Now having a sling bag that barely looked like the backpack it was just a few seconds ago, Suga quickly took the route back to his room.
Now, any people would believe that Park Jihoo checked in to a hotel, went to his reserved room, and then went down to eat in the café, and finally, went to the restroom. In the meantime, a cute girl was heading to Park Jinhoo's room. All the witnesses and even the security cams would say the same.
Cover nicely done.
When he arrived inside his room, he abruptly opened the suitcase which contained his sniper and assembled it with efficiency. He then crouched by the window sill, not caring if the crouching position could affect his accuracy. He could shoot perfectly even if he's tied upside down and blindfolded.
Actually, the plan was simple. Everything was simple. He would shoot Mr. Shin with the special tranquilizer that would only take its effect after ten minutes. Then, he would go out of the room, still as a girl, and go to the Fire Exit where he had come from. He would take the same path he took inside the vent and would be back to the locked rest room in no time, changing back to his original clothes. He would go back to his table and finish his meal.
He would then go outside and head to the park just beside the hotel. Upon arriving there, he would use the public rest room and would change his clothes there. He'd be wearing a different disguise this time, thick-frames, sweater, brown shaggy hair, baggy jeans, and a little bit of tanning cream on his exposed skin. Suga would then head to the convenience store, pretending to buy something. A few seconds later, exactly ten minutes after he had shot the guy, Mr. Shin would faint, the tranquilizer starting to affect his system.
Suga would then rush to his help, showing people his fake identification card that he's a registered nurse. Of course, people would trust him instead of calling an ambulance. And just like that, he'd be able to get the unconscious body of Mr. Shin into his car without any hassle.
After all that fuss, he'd scan his body and copy his finger prints, eye and voice data.
Agent S would now be able to access the man's highly protected vault and get the expensive ancient golden sword that he had stolen from the Japanese government.
Stupid governments and their stupid security systems.
And of course, Mr. Shin would wake up in his house, on his own bed, surrounded by police officers who were holding legal and solid evidences of all his crimes, despite how much the rich man had hidden them.
Job done.
As he reviewed it all in his head, Suga smirked. It's all too easy. Did not even took him a damn week to finish. Only a day and a half.
He licked his lips as he pointed his sniper at the unknowing man. He could shoot him on the nose without even needing to look through the scope, but since he's a good boy—Suga snorted at this—he would just go through the boring procedure of looking through the scope view and perfectly shoot Mr. Shin on the back of his shoulder. He'd just have to wait for someone to enter the store and open the door, shoot through the open door, and baaam, done.
Suga's index finger was already positioned on the trigger of the sniper as a woman was about to enter the convenience store. It was the perfect angle.
Just a little more.
Cring Cring Cring!!!
"Shit!" Suga cursed as he looked away from the sniper's scope and used one hand to grab his ringing phone. This ring tone was special, it's only for when there's an emergency. He looked at the caller ID.
Damn, it's Agent Y.
Suga went back to his sniper, not caring to use the scope anymore since he could do it anyway. What's the use of being a sharpshooter, seriously. As he looked over to watch for another person to enter the door—and damn, he's getting behind the supposed time—he answered the phone immediately.
"Agent S, I have a new mission for you. This is very important. You have to go now to the address I'll be sending you. ASAP, Agent S, ASAP."
"But how about my mission? I-"
"Someone else can take care of it. Now go!" Agent Y shouted, making Suga cringe as he pulled away the phone from his poor ear.
If he was to be honest, he was utterly pissed off. He was really, really, damn really, annoyed. Everything was already perfect. He had planned this, researched for this. It's his mission. They couldn't just give it to anyone else. It never happened before. Agent S had never and would never leave a mission unfinished. And he would, more importantly, never leave an unfinished business just for others to finish it.
He was really pissed off to the core, and he expressed just as much to Agent Y, despite the man being years of age older than him.
"Can't you just ask some other available agents?" he said with so much annoyance clear in his voice. The other agents would never dare to do this to Agent Y, the Agent Y. It's not just that he's the one with the most experience; he's also the one on top. The leader.
Suga though, was different. Agent Y for him a dad. Although he'd never say that out loud. So yeah, he could act all annoyed as much as he wanted. The old man had been used to it anyway.
He heard a sigh from the man on the other line. "Please, Yoongi. You're the only one I could trust for this. You're the only one I trust."
Suga was silent. It had been a long while since Agent Y called him by his name. It had been a long time since anyone called him that. It was such a long time ago. This just meant that it was really important, that it's just not any other mission.
"Alright..." he answered, pulling away his sniper from its position over the window sill and expertly disassembling it quickly with only one hand. "What do I need to do? Give me a background."
"That's my child," Agent Y said and Suga felt his heart ache. He knew that the man didn't mean it literally, and that it's just an expression. Still, Suga couldn't help but remember all those things that this amazing person did for him. "Now listen, you have to drive to this address I'll send to your AC Watch. You need to go now, S. You need to arrive there before them."
Suga's eyebrows furrowed as he closed his suitcase and removed his wig. "Them?"
"I'll explain to you later. The objective here is Park Jimin."
Suga already stripped off the skirt and wore back his jeans in one swift movement. One second of wiping away light foundation and lipstick he applied to himself earlier, then he's out of the room.
"Park Jimin?"
"Yes, Park Jimin. Find him and save him. Or just get him, really. You need to bring him to a safe place. Contact me after everything's done. I'm counting on you, boy."
The young agent smiled, now already inside his car and starting its engine. "Then go ahead and get your expectations up, you know how I never fail to exceed Outstanding."